Welcome to the dos-djgpp port of PERL 5.005_03 !

  This is a 32-bit dos port of perl based on the djgpp environment and
tools (http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/). This version runs on any 80386+
under dos, win31, win9x and NT. Long file names are supported only
under win9x.


  Unzip perl553b.zip preserving the directory structure into your
preferred directory (say c:\perl). Then change to that directory and

		bin\perl.exe install.pl

  This will "install" perl for you (by fixing some directory names in
some files). After this add your `bin' directory to the PATH, and you
are ready. Try for example:

		perl -S perldoc perlfaq

  You should see the contents of the PERL FAQ.

  More info

  If you want to run external commands from your perl scripts, you
might need to download and install the djgpp port of bash. If you want
to compile XS modules (or recompile perl itself), you'll need some
other tools too, please check doc/README.dos (section `Prerequisites').

  If you have generic djgpp questions/problems try asking them on the
comp.os.msdos.djgpp news group or in its mail gateway djgpp@delorie.com
(of course you should first check the djgpp FAQ).

  If you have some djgpp specific questions on perl, then feel free to
contact me: ml1050@freemail.c3.hu.

Enjoy, Laszlo