
This module parses the property lists rom Mac OS X, at
least the ones from the pre-Tiger releases. I wrote this
module to work on all platforms, since I needed it to
work on FreeBSD (which pulled files from my Mac machines
to do various things). This means that the module can
be very (very) slow for very large files. If someone would
like to write stuff to hook into CoreFoundation and use
the Mac OS X stuff to handle the parsing, I'll incorporate
it into the module. I still need pure perl support though.

You can install this using in the usual Perl fashion

	perl Makefile.PL
	make test
	make install
The documentation is in the module file.  Once you install
the file, you can read it with perldoc.

	perldoc Mac::PropertyList
If you want to read it before you install it, you can use
perldoc directly on the module file.

	perldoc lib/PropertyList.pm
This module is also in CVS on SourceForge


In the hacks/ directory I have a couple of scripts. The
plist-timer.pl script will parse the plist you give it and
time it. You might want to try that first to see if you 
get acceptable performance.


brian d foy, bdfoy@cpan.org