# Perl module Time:ETA

This is source code for Perl module Time::ETA.

## I want to use it!

The GitHub repo https://github.com/bessarabov/Time-ETA contaings the source
code for the module Time::ETA. Before going to CPAN the source code is being
converted, so if you need to use the module you should take it from CPAN:

## I want to develop it!

Glad to hear it! =)

This a GitHub repo https://github.com/bessarabov/Time-ETA. You can fork it,
make your changes and send me a pull request. I will accept it, or I will
write why I'm not accepting it.

You can use GitHub Issues https://github.com/bessarabov/Time-ETA/issues to
report a bug or a feture requst, or just discuss something about this module.

You can contact me directly by email ivan@bessarabov.ru

## I have questions!

There is a doc on CPAN: https://metacpan.org/module/Time::ETA If you can't
find the answer, please ask by creating new GitHub issue at

And of course you can send me direct email ivan@bessarabov.ru

## Some usefull links

The main doc for this module is at CPAN: https://metacpan.org/module/Time::ETA

There was some discussions on perlmonks:

 * [Module to calculate ETA][1]
 * [Best way to store object in db][2]

And I use play-perl.org to work on this module:

 * [Ask on perlmonks.org on CPAN module that should be used for ETA][3]
 * [Release first version of Time::ETA][4]
 * [Release Time::ETA v0.02][5]

 [1]: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=1021312
 [2]: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=1022037
 [3]: http://play-perl.org/quest/5130de1020d03f6c12000082
 [4]: http://play-perl.org/quest/513637e4e645b62c36000025
 [5]: http://play-perl.org/quest/51420983805e06c61100004d