NAME Dancer::Plugin::SimpleCRUD - very simple CRUD (create/read/update/delete) DESCRIPTION A plugin for Dancer web applications, to use a few lines of code to create appropriate routes to support creating/editing/deleting/viewing records within a database table. Uses CGI::FormBuilder to generate, process and validate forms, Dancer::Plugin::Database for database interaction and HTML::Table::FromDatabase to display lists of records. SYNOPSIS # In your Dancer app, use Dancer::Plugin::SimpleCRUD; # Simple example: simple_crud( record_title => 'Widget', prefix => '/widgets', db_table => 'widgets', ); # The above would create a route to handle C</widget/add> and # C</widget/:id>, presenting a form to add/edit a Widget respectively. # All fields in the database table would be editable. # A more in-depth synopsis, using all options: simple_crud( record_title => 'Widget', prefix => '/widgets', db_table => 'widgets', labels => { country => 'Country of Origin', type => 'Widget Type', }, validation => { weight => qr/\d+/, }, key_column => 'sku', editable_columns => [ qw( f_name l_name adr_1 ) ], display_columns => [ qw( f_name l_name adr_1 ) ], deleteable => 1, ); Beta-quality first release This should be considered beta software - this is an early release of code which works, but may be missing features, and could contain bugs. Having said that, I'm using it a production app already where it's working great for me, and I will of course greatly appreciate anyone who is willing to give it a try and provide feedback/suggestions/bug reports/adoring praise. USAGE This plugin provides a `simple_crud' keyword, which takes a hash of options as described below, and sets up the appropriate route to present add/edit/delete options. OPTIONS The options you can pass to simple_crud are: `record_title' (required) What we're editing, for instance, if you're editing widgets, use 'Widget'. Will be used in form titles (for instance "Add a ...", "Edit ..."), and button labels. `prefix' (required) The prefix for the routes which will be created. Given a prefix of `/widgets', then you can go to `/widgets/new' to create a new Widget, and `/widgets/42' to edit the widget with the ID (see keu_column) 42. `db_table' (required) The name of the database table. `key_column' (optional, default: 'id') Specify which column in the table is the primary key. If not given, defaults to id. `db_connection_name' (optional) We use Dancer::Plugin::Database to obtain database connections. This option allows you to specify the name of a connection defined in the config file to use. See the documentation for Dancer::Plugin::Database for how multiple database configurations work. If this is not supplied or is empty, the default database connection details in your config file will be used - this is often what you want, so unless your app is dealing with multiple DBs, you probably won't need to worry about this option. <labels> (optional) A hashref of field_name => 'Label', if you want to provide more user-friendly labels for some or all fields. As we're using CGI::FormBuilder, it will do a reasonable job of figuring these out for itself usually anyway - for instance, a field named `first_name' will be shown as `First Name'. `validation' (optional) A hashref of validation criteria which should be passed to CGI::FormBuilder. `acceptable_values' (optional) A hashref of arrayrefs to declare that certain fields can take only a set of acceptable values, for instance: { foo => [ qw(Foo Bar Baz) ] } `editable_columns' (optional) Specify an arrayref of fields which the user can edit. By default, this is all columns in the database table, with the exception of the key column. <not_editable_columns> (optional) Specify an arrayref of fields which should not be editable. `required' (optional) Specify an arrayref of fields which must be completed. If this is not provided, DWIMmery based on whether the field is set to allow null values in the database will be used - i.e. if that column can contain null, then it doesn't have to be completed, otherwise, it does. `deletable' Specify whether to support deleting records. If set to a true value, a route will be created for `/prefix/delete/:id' to delete the record with the ID given, and the edit form will have a "Delete $record_title" button. `display_columns' Specify an arrayref of columns that should show up in the list. Defaults to all. DWIMmery This module tries to do what you'd expect it to do, so you can rock up your web app with as little code and effort as possible, whilst still giving you control to override its decisions wherever you need to. Field types CGI::FormBuilder is excellent at working out what kind of field to use by itself, but we give it a little help where needed. For instance, if a field looks like it's supposed to contain a password, we'll have it rendered as a password entry box, rather than a standard text box. If the column in the database is an ENUM, we'll limit the choices available for this field to the choices defined by the ENUM list. (Unless you've provided a set of acceptable values for this field using the `acceptable_values' option to `simple_crud', in which case what you say goes.) AUTHOR David Precious, `<>' ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Alberto Simões (ambs) WK Johnathan Barber BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to `bug-dancer-plugin-simplecrud at', or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. CONTRIBUTING This module is developed on Github: Bug reports, ideas, suggestions, patches/pull requests all welcome. Even just a quick "Hey, this is great, thanks" or "This is no good to me because..." is greatly appreciated. It's always good to know if people are using your code, and what they think. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Dancer::Plugin::SimpleCRUD You may find help with this module on the main Dancer IRC channel or mailing list - see You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Alberto Simões (ambs) Jonathan Barber LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2010 David Precious. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.