File::Version version 0.02


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


There are no dependencies

       use File::Version;

       my %args = (
           FILE            => 'foo.txt',
           SEARCH_PATHS    => ['/projects'],
           RECURSION_DEPTH => 10,
           FOLLOW_SYMBOLIC => 0 

       my $foo = File::Version->new(%args);

       � $foo->locate_ancestors; # recursively search /project 10
         directories deep for all 'foo.txt' ancestors

       � $foo->locate_descendants; # recursively search /project
         10 directories deep for all 'foo.txt' descendants

       � $foo->next_version; # next version of 'foo.txt'

       � $foo->search_paths( SEARCH_PATHS => [ '/home' ] ); # now
         search all home directories

       � $foo->recursion_depth( RECURSION_DEPTH => 5 ); # now
         seach only 5 directories deep

       � $foo->follow_symbolic( FOLLOW_SYMBOLIC => 1 ); # follow
         symbolic links (not recommended)

       This module is useful for creating and locating different
       versions of a file.  For example, let's say you're working
       with a first generation file named foo.txt.  Before pro�
       ceeding, we gather some information about the foo.txt fam�
       ily tree:

       my %args = (
           FILE            => '/path/foo.txt',
           SEARCH_PATHS    => ['/home'],
           RECURSION_DEPTH => 10,
           FOLLOW_SYMBOLIC => 0

       my $foo = File::Version->new(%args);

       $foo->locate_descendants might return the following refer�
       ence :

       $ref = {
                '1' => {
                         '/home/bill/1__foo.txt' => '1',
                         '/home/mary/foobar/test/2__foo.txt' => '2'
                '2' => {
                         '/home/bill/2_1__foo.txt' => '1',
                         '/home/john/project/2_2__foo.txt' => '2'
                         '/home/fred/mystuff/1_1__foo.txt' => '1'
                '3' => {
                         '/home/jill/2_2_1__foo.txt' => '1'

       meaning that foo.txt has :

       2 children, 3 grandchildren, 1 great grandchild

       $foo->locate_ancestors has the opposite effect, returning
       undef in this case because foo.txt is an original file.

       $foo->next_version returns '3__foo.txt', meaning the third
       child of foo.txt.  A file named '3_1__foo.txt' would mean
       the first child of foo.txt's third child.

         � Use the Algorithm::Diff module to compare different

         � The script (provided with this module)
           takes filenames as arguments from the command line and
           spits out the next version of each file.  Alias this
           script for your convenience.

       This module was written and tested using Perl 5.6.0 under
       Linux.  If you want this module to work with Windows, at
       minimum you'll need to change the directory separator to a
       backslash.  Comments and suggestions welcome.

       Nathaniel J. Graham <>

       Copyright 2003, Nathaniel J. Graham.  All Rights Reserved.
       This program is free software.  You may copy or redis�
       tribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.