NAME Web::Reactor perl-based web application machinery. SYNOPSIS Startup CGI script example: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use lib '/opt/perl/reactor/lib'; # if Reactor is custom location installed use Web::Reactor; my %cfg = ( 'APP_NAME' => 'demo', 'APP_ROOT' => '/opt/reactor/demo/', 'LIB_DIRS' => [ '/opt/reactor/demo/lib/' ], 'HTML_DIRS' => [ '/opt/reactor/demo/html/' ], 'SESS_VAR_DIR' => '/opt/reactor/demo/var/sess/', 'DEBUG' => 4, ); eval { new Web::Reactor( %cfg )->run(); }; if( $@ ) { print STDERR "REACTOR CGI EXCEPTION: $@"; print "content-type: text/html\n\nsystem is temporary unavailable"; } HTML page file example: <#html_header> <$app_name> <#menu> testing page html file action test: <&test> <#html_footer> Action module example: package Reactor::Actions::demo::test; use strict; use Data::Dumper; use Web::Reactor::HTML::FormEngine; sub main { my $reo = shift; # Web::Reactor object. Provides all API and context. my $text; # result html text if( $reo->get_input_button() eq 'FORM_CANCEL' ) { # if clicked form button is cancel, # return back to the calling/previous page/view with optional data return $reo->forward_back( ACTION_RETURN => 'IS_CANCEL' ); } # add some html content $text .= "<p>Reactor::Actions::demo::test here!<p>"; # create link and hide its data. only accessible from inside web app. my $grid_href = $reo->args_new( _PN => 'grid', TABLE => 'testtable', ); $text .= "<a href=?_=$grid_href>go to grid</a><p>"; # access page session. it will be auto-loaded on demand my $page_session_hr = $reo->get_page_session(); my $fortune = $page_session_hr->{ 'FORTUNE' } ||= `/usr/games/fortune`; # access input (form) data. $i and $e are hashrefs my $i = $reo->get_user_input(); # get plain user input (hashref) my $e = $reo->get_safe_input(); # get safe data (never reach user browser) $text .= "<p><hr><p>$fortune<hr>"; my $bc = $reo->args_here(); # session keeper, this is manual use $text .= "<form method=post>"; $text .= "<input type=hidden name=_ value=$bc>"; $text .= "input <input name=inp>"; $text .= "<input type=submit name=button:form_ok>"; $text .= "<input type=submit name=button:form_cancel>"; $text .= "</form>"; my $form = $reo->new_form(); $text .= "<p><hr><p>"; return $text; } 1; DESCRIPTION Web::Reactor provides automation of most of the usual and frequent tasks when constructing a web application. Such tasks include: * User session handling (creation, cookies support, storage) * Page (web screen/view) session handling (similar to user sessions attributes) * Sessions (user/page/etc.) data storage and auto load/ssave * Inter-page relations and data transport (hides real data from the end-user) * HTML page creation and expansion (i.e. including preprocessing :)) * Optional HTML forms creation and data handling Web::Reactor is designed to allow extending or replacing some parts as: * Session storage (data store on filesystem, database, remote or vmem) * HTML creation/expansion/preprocessing * Page actions/modules execution (can be skipped if custom HTML prep used) PROJECT STATUS At the moment Web::Reactor is in beta. API is mostly frozen but it is fairly possible to be changed and/or extended. However drastic changes are not planned :) If you are interested in the project or have some notes etc, contact me at: Vladi Belperchinov-Shabanski "Cade" <> <> <> <> further contact info, mailing list and github repository is listed below. FIXME: TODO: * config examples * pages example * actions example * API description (input data, safe data, sessions, forwarding, actions, html) * ... DEMO APPLICATION Documentation will be improved shortly, but meanwhile you can check 'demo' directory inside distribution tarball or inside the github repository. This is fully functional (however stupid :)) application. It shows how data is processed, calling pages/views, inspecting page (calling views) stack, html forms automation, forwarding. MAILING LIST GITHUB REPOSITORY git clone git:// AUTHOR Vladi Belperchinov-Shabanski "Cade" <> <> <>