Gloom::Doc - All About Gloom (the Great Little OO Module)

    In your "Makefile.PL":

        use inc::Module::Install;
        name 'MyMod';
        use_gloom 'MyMod::OO';

    NOTE: Module::Install is not required to use Gloom. It just makes it a
    trivial process. If you don't use Module::Install, you can manually
    copy/symlink to your "lib/MyMod/".

    then in "lib/MyMod/":

        package MyMod::Foo;
        use MyMod::OO -base;

        has 'foo';


        package MyMod::Foo::Bar;
        use MyMod::Foo -base;

        has 'bar';

    Gloom is a simple, clean and small OO base module. It can be used by
    CPAN modules that need to be OO, but don't want to require a dependency
    module to do it.

    Gloom provides the OO basics like single inheritance, standard "new" and
    "init" constructor methods, and "has" attribute accessors. It also turns
    on "strict" and "warnings" automatically.

    Gloom is cascading. Using Gloom as a base class for class "Foo", enables
    "Foo" to later be used as a Gloomy base class. Using the "-base" syntax
    invokes all the Gloom functionality.

    Using basic idiomatic OO in Perl is problematic. Perl provides the
    lowest level mechanisms, but this is not even the bare minimum that you
    would find useable. You'd want at least an object constructor and
    property accessors.

    Moose and friends is the way to do serious OO right, but Moose has
    issues too. Imagine you want to write a very simple CPAN module, and
    want to do it in the OO style. Adding a Moose prerequisite feels like
    adding an army tank to a flower arrangement. It's a huge installation
    pain for your users if its not already installed, and it still carries a
    startup performance penalty.

    This is where Gloom comes in. Gloom is a CPAN module author's friend. It
    provides OO basics with No Dependency Prerequisites. You simply copy or
    symlink "" as your module's OO base module, then Gloom will
    figure out the rest.

    The great lesson of "Module::Install" is that you can fix deficiencies
    in standard things like ExtUtils::MakeMaker or even "perl" itself, by
    shipping a little extra code with each module. With Gloom, you always
    ship, renamed as your OO base module.

    If you use Module::Install, all you need to do is add a line to your
    "Makefile.PL" file. It will create a Gloom based OO module for you and
    keep it up to date. Just imagine, all your Perl OO needs resolved with
    one line in a Makefile.PL! See Module::Install::Gloom for details.

    The great lesson of Spiffy was OO feature propagation/cascading. When a
    module is a Gloom subclass, it can be used as a first-rate Gloom base

    Spiffy was not well received by some people because it used source
    filtering for a couple unrelated things. Just for the record, Gloom uses
    no source filtering or any other fancy magics.

    Gloom has nothing except the OO basics that everyone wants. Gloom makes
    simple Perl OO something that you don't need to worry about.

    This is the more full documentation of Gloom's OO features:

  Usage, Inheritance and Cascading
    When you use a Gloom subclass module, you can pass it the "-base" option
    to establish single inheritance to that module. In other words, that
    module becomes your module's base or parent class.

        package My::Foo;
        use My::OO -base;

    Now you are free to use My::Foo as a base class for some other class:

        package Your::Foo;
        use My::Foo -base;
    has 'what_you_want';

    My::Foo has all the exact same powers of OO cascading as Gloom itself.

    Note that My::OO is an exact copy of You don't change anything
    in the file. The code sees how it was called and adapts the package name
    on the fly.

    Gloom has a "new()" class method. It creates an object and calls

    The default "init()" method expects its arguments to be a list of
    property name/value pairs. You can easily subclass "init()" to do things

  Property Accessor Generators
    Gloom provides "has" accessors that work exactly like the "field"
    accessors from "Class::Field". ("has" has become the Perl standard name
    for property constructors). The properties are always read/write. They
    provide an optional default value as well as an optional initialization
    code snippet.

        package Foo;
        use Bar -base;

        has 'this';
        has 'that' => {};    # Defaults to a hash;
        has 'thus', -init => '$self->set_thus';

    You can also mark them to support method chaining:

        has 'this', -chain;
        has 'that';


    NOTE: Gloom "has()" is completely different in usage from Moose "has()".

    Gloom and all its subclasses export the "has()" function. You can have
    your base class export more things by simply defining the Exporter
    variables, like:

        our @EXPORT = qw(foo bar);
        our @EXPORT_OK = qw(baz);

  Other Stuff
    Since the "has" generators always return a true value, you usually don't
    need the annoying:


    line at the bottom of your Gloom based modules. The true value they
    return is the Perl source code of the accessor. You can see this by
    doing something like:

        print has 'foo' -init => '$self->init_foo';

    Like Moose, using Gloom (or any subclass of Gloom) as a base class, will
    automagically do the equivalent of:

        use strict;
        use warnings;

    The Gloom module can be found on CPAN and on GitHub:

    Please join #gloom on to discuss the new Gloom of Perl.

    Ingy d�t Net <>

    Copyright (c) 2010. Ingy d�t Net.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.
