*** As of Graph 0.95 the Graph module is unsupported since I have
*** utterly and completely ran out of time to support it.  It still
*** mostly works, amazingly enough, but what is broken or unfinished
*** will remain so. Three year interval between releases should tell
*** you something.
*** If someone feels like rewriting Graph, I can offer some ideas.
*** But the existing code as such is an unmaintainable pile of horrors.
*** My apologies.
*** <gandalf>I have no memory of this place.</gandalf>

This is Graph, a Perl module for dealing with graphs, the abstract
data structures.  (If you were looking for pie charts, I'm sorry.)

This is a full rewrite of the Graph module 0.2xx series as discussed
in the book "Mastering Algorithms with Perl", written by Jarkko
Hietaniemi (the undersigned), John Macdonald, and Jon Orwant,
and published by O'Reilly and Associates.  This rewrite is not
fully compatible with the 0.2xx series, simply because I did
not want to carry over all the design flaws and bugs.

Test cases of all sizes to keep me honest are warmly welcomed.

For the changes, read Changes.

For the release notes, read RELEASE.

If you find bugs, please distill your test case to the absolute minimum
and report it, preferably via http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Graph

Jarkko Hietaniemi