
This is the HTML-Parser distribution with shared libraries compiled for
MacPerl.  Shared libraries run only on PPC and CFM68K versions, not non-CFM
68K versions.

The original of the changed files are in Mac_changed.sit.

This was compiled with Codewarrior IDE.

All tests passed on PPC and CFM68K except for options.t which uses $SIG
{__WARN__} inside. This is not supported by MacPerl.
crashme.t on my Centris 660AV took a couple of minuites and seemed like
really crashed, but it worked.

Consecutive use of this would cause an error;
 # Modification of a read-only value attempted
This problem has been discussed on MacPerl-Module mailing list but still not

Best installed using cpan-mac, either with the CPAN shell, or the installme
droplet.  From the CPAN shell, type:

    cpan> install K/KI/KIMURA/HTML-Parser-3.19-bin-1-Mac.tgz

Also, see the MMP page:


KIMURA Takeshi


This is a collection of modules that parse and extract information
from HTML documents.  Bug reports and discussions about these modules
can be sent to the <libwww@perl.org> mailing list.  Remember to also
look at the HTML-Tree package that creates and extracts information from
HTML syntax trees.

The modules present in this collection are:

  HTML::Parser - The parser base class.  It receives arbitrary sized
        chunks of the HTML text, recognizes markup elements, and
        separates them from the plain text.  As different kinds of markup
        and text are recognized, the corresponding event handlers are

  HTML::Entities - Provides functions to encode and decode text with
        embedded HTML &lt;entities&gt;.

  HTML::HeadParser - A lightweight HTML::Parser subclass that extracts
        information from the <HEAD> section of an HTML document.

  HTML::LinkExtor - An HTML::Parser subclass that extracts links from
        an HTML document.

  HTML::TokeParser - An alternative interface to the basic parser
        that does not require event driven programming.  Most simple
        parsing needs are probably best attacked with this module.

Depreciated modules:

  HTML::Filter - An HTML::Parser subclass that filters HTML text. You
        will need to make a subclass if you want it to do more than


In order to install and use this package you will need Perl version
5.004 or better.  The HTML::Tagset module should also be installed.
If you intend to use the HTML::HeadParser you probably want to install
libwww-perl too.


Just follow the usual procedure:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


  � 1995-2001 Gisle Aas. All rights reserved.
  � 1999-2000 Michael A. Chase.  All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.