This module implements a "sounds like" algorithm developed
  by Lawrence Philips which he published in the June, 2000 issue
  of C/C++ Users Journal.  Double Metaphone is an improved
  version of Philips' original Metaphone algorithm.  


  Copyright 2000, Maurice Aubrey <>. 
  All rights reserved.

  This code is based heavily on the C++ implementation by
  Lawrence Philips.

  This module is free software; you may redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


  This module requires a C compiler.

  To install this module, move into the directory where this file is
  located and type the following:

        perl Makefile.PL
        make test
        make install

  This will install the module into the Perl library directory.  If 
  you lack sufficient privileges for this, then you can specify an
  alternate directory like this:

        perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/where/I/want/it/put
        make test
        make install

  Once installed, you can use the following line to load the module into
  your scripts:

        use Text::DoubleMetaphone qw( double_metaphone );

  If you installed the module into an alternative directory, you will
  need to let Perl know where it can be found:

        use lib "/path/to/my/modules";
        use Text::DoubleMetaphone qw( double_metaphone );

  See the POD documentation for further details.