ex::lib::zip version 0.03 ========================= An extension to let you C<use> things direct from zip files direct. No temporary files. No subprocesses. For example use ex::lib::zip 'library.zip'; # A zip file that contains a file Foo.pm use Foo; # And perl will get Foo.pm from library.zip. Yes, you can use the <DATA> filehandle from modules inside the zip. Your data will be uncompressed. Yes, you can use SelfLoader inside the zip. Yes, you can use AutoLoader inside the zip, provided you zip up the auto/... tree Yes, you can even put the zip file in your script, to package your modules with your script in one file. Like this BEGIN { eval "use ex::lib::zip q($0)"; } use Foo; __END__ ... your zip containing Foo.pm (etc) goes here. (although, of course, your target perl will need this module installed already) INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: PerlIO::gzip PerlIO::subfile perl 5.7.1 You can rebuild the test zips with the perl script make-zips.pl COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE You may distribute this work under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in perl's README file. Copyright � 2001 Nicholas Clark