NAME `Tickit::Widget::SegmentDisplay' - show a single character like a segmented display DESCRIPTION This class provides a widget that immitates a segmented LED or LCD display. It shows a single character by lighting or shading fixed rectangular bars. STYLE The default style pen is used as the widget pen, though only the background colour will actually matter as the widget does not directly display text. The following style keys are used: lit => COLOUR unlit => COLOUR Colour descriptions (index or name) for the lit and unlight segments of the display. CONSTRUCTOR $segmentdisplay = Tickit::Widget::SegmentDisplay->new( %args ) Constructs a new `Tickit::Widget::SegmentDisplay' object. Takes the following named arguments value => STR Sets an initial value. type => STR The type of display. Supported types are: seven A 7-segment bar display colon A static `:' ACCESSORS $value = $segmentdisplay->value $segmentdisplay->set_value( $value ) Return or set the character on display AUTHOR Paul Evans <>