Prospect version 0.92 ===================== Prospect:: is an application programmer interface (API) to the PROSPECT Pro threading application. The modules provide for program execution, results parsing, multiple sequence alignments inferred from pairwise sequence-structure alignments, and rudimentary homology models. For more information on PROSPECT Pro: Kim, D., Xu, D., Guo, J., Ellrott, K. and Xu, Y. (2003) PROSPECT II: Protein structure prediction method for genome-scale applications. Protein Eng., 16(9), 641-50. Commercial versions available from Bioinformatics Solutions, Inc. ( INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make <configure the Prospect::Init module> make test make install CONFIGURATION After installation, 1) configure the Prospect::Init module with your system specifics. 2) run the bin/processPdbFiles script to generate processed PDB files. These processed files are necessary for generating rudimentary backbone-only homology models in PDB format by mapping the aligned residues onto the 3D template. Make sure that you have defined the PROSPECT_PATH, PDB_PATH, and PROCESSED_PDB_PATH variables correctly within the Prospect::Init module. Something akin to this bash command will build all of processed PDB files. export PROSPECT_PATH=<top-level of your prospect install>; find $PROSPECT_PATH -name \*.xml | sed -e 's/^.*\///;s/\.xml$//' | xargs perl -I ../.. processPdbFiles DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: - XML::Parser, XML::Simple, Digest::MD5 (available from and bioperl ( - For remote threading, SOAP::Lite ( and SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon ( are required. - Colorized multiple sequence alignments requires mview ( - Viewing sequence-structure alignments requires rasmol ( AUTHORS David S. Cavanaugh ( and Reece K. Hart ( FOR MORE INFORMATION see COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Needs to be addded