Regexp::Wildcards - Converts wildcard expressions to Perl regular

    Version 0.08

        use Regexp::Wildcards qw/wc2re/;

        my $re;
        $re = wc2re 'a{b?,c}*' => 'unix';   # Do it Unix style.
        $re = wc2re 'a?,b*'    => 'win32';  # Do it Windows style.
        $re = wc2re '*{x,y}?'  => 'jokers'; # Process the jokers & escape the rest.
        $re = wc2re '%a_c%'    => 'sql';    # Turn SQL wildcards into regexps.

    In many situations, users may want to specify patterns to match but
    don't need the full power of regexps. Wildcards make one of those sets
    of simplified rules. This module converts wildcard expressions to Perl
    regular expressions, so that you can use them for matching. It handles
    the "*" and "?" shell jokers, as well as Unix bracketed alternatives
    "{,}", but also "%" and "_" SQL wildcards. Backspace ("\") is used as an
    escape character. Wrappers are provided to mimic the behaviour of
    Windows and Unix shells.

    These variables control if the wildcards jokers and brackets must
    capture their match. They can be globally set by writing in your program

        $Regexp::Wildcards::CaptureSingle = 1;
        # From then, "exactly one" wildcards are capturing

    or can be locally specified via "local"

         local $Regexp::Wildcards::CaptureSingle = 1;
         # In this block, "exactly one" wildcards are capturing.
        # Back to the situation from before the block

    This section describes also how those elements are translated by the

    When this variable is true, each occurence of unescaped *"exactly one"*
    wildcards (i.e. "?" jokers or "_" for SQL wildcards) are made capturing
    in the resulting regexp (they are be replaced by "(.)"). Otherwise, they
    are just replaced by ".". Default is the latter.

        For jokers :
        'a???b\\??' is translated to 'a(.)(.)(.)b\\?(.)' if $CaptureSingle is true
                                     'a...b\\?.'         otherwise (default)

        For SQL wildcards :
        'a___b\\__' is translated to 'a(.)(.)(.)b\\_(.)' if $CaptureSingle is true
                                     'a...b\\_.'         otherwise (default)

    By default this variable is false, and successions of unescaped *"any"*
    wildcards (i.e. "*" jokers or "%" for SQL wildcards) are replaced by one
    single ".*". When it evalutes to true, those sequences of *"any"*
    wildcards are made into one capture, which is greedy ("(.*)") for
    "$CaptureAny > 0" and otherwise non-greedy ("(.*?)").

        For jokers :
        'a***b\\**' is translated to 'a.*b\\*.*'       if $CaptureAny is false (default)
                                     'a(.*)b\\*(.*)'   if $CaptureAny > 0
                                     'a(.*?)b\\*(.*?)' otherwise

        For SQL wildcards :
        'a%%%b\\%%' is translated to 'a.*b\\%.*'       if $CaptureAny is false (default)
                                     'a(.*)b\\%(.*)'   if $CaptureAny > 0
                                     'a(.*?)b\\%(.*?)' otherwise

    If this variable is set to true, valid brackets constructs are made into
    "( | )" captures, and otherwise they are replaced by non-capturing
    alternations ("(?: | ")), which is the default.

        'a{b\\},\\{c}' is translated to 'a(b\\}|\\{c)'   if $CaptureBrackets is true
                                        'a(?:b\\}|\\{c)' otherwise (default)

    This function takes as its only argument the wildcard string to process,
    and returns the corresponding regular expression where the jokers "?"
    (*"exactly one"*) and "*" (*"any"*) have been translated into their
    regexp equivalents (see "VARIABLES" for more details). All other
    unprotected regexp metacharacters are escaped.

        # Everything is escaped.
        print 'ok' if wc2re_jokers('{a{b,c}d,e}') eq '\\{a\\{b\\,c\\}d\\,e\\}';

    Similar to the precedent, but for the SQL wildcards "_" (*"exactly
    one"*) and "%" (*"any"*). All other unprotected regexp metacharacters
    are escaped.

    This function conforms to standard Unix shell wildcard rules. It
    successively escapes all unprotected regexp special characters that
    doesn't hold any meaning for wildcards, turns "?" and "*" jokers into
    their regexp equivalents (see "wc2re_jokers"), and changes bracketed
    blocks into (possibly capturing) alternations as described in
    "VARIABLES". If brackets are unbalanced, it tries to substitute as many
    of them as possible, and then escape the remaining "{" and "}". Commas
    outside of any bracket-delimited block are also escaped.

        # This is a valid bracket expression, and is completely translated.
        print 'ok' if wc2re_unix('{a{b,c}d,e}') eq '(?:a(?:b|c)d|e)';

    The function handles unbalanced bracket expressions, by escaping
    everything it can't recognize. For example :

        # The first comma is replaced, and the remaining brackets and comma are escaped.
        print 'ok' if wc2re_unix('{a\\{b,c}d,e}') eq '(?:a\\{b|c)d\\,e\\}';

        # All the brackets and commas are escaped.
        print 'ok' if wc2re_unix('{a{b,c\\}d,e}') eq '\\{a\\{b\\,c\\}d\\,e\\}';

    This one works just like the one before, but for Windows wildcards.
    Bracketed blocks are no longer handled (which means that brackets are
    escaped), but you can provide a comma-separated list of items.

        # All the brackets are escaped, and commas are seen as list delimiters.
        print 'ok' if wc2re_win32('{a{b,c}d,e}') eq '(?:\\{a\\{b|c\\}d|e\\})';

    A generic function that wraps around all the different rules. The first
    argument is the wildcard expression, and the second one is the type of
    rules to apply which can be :

    'unix', 'win32', 'jokers', 'sql'
        For one of those raw rule names, "wc2re" simply maps to
        "wc2re_unix", "wc2re_win32", "wc2re_jokers" and "wc2re_sql"

    $^O If you supply the Perl operating system name, the call is deferred
        to "wc2re_win32" for $^O equal to 'dos', 'os2', 'MSWin32' or
        'cygwin', and to "wc2re_unix" in all the other cases.

    If the type is undefined or not supported, it defaults to 'unix'.

         # Wraps to wc2re_jokers ($re eq 'a\\{b\\,c\\}.*').
         $re = wc2re 'a{b,c}*' => 'jokers';

         # Wraps to wc2re_win32 ($re eq '(?:a\\{b|c\\}.*)')
         #       or wc2re_unix  ($re eq 'a(?:b|c).*')       depending on $^O.
         $re = wc2re 'a{b,c}*' => $^O;

    These five functions are exported only on request : "wc2re",
    "wc2re_unix", "wc2re_win32", "wc2re_jokers" and "wc2re_sql". The
    variables are not exported.

    Text::Balanced, which is bundled with perl since version 5.7.3

    This module does not implement the strange behaviours of Windows shell
    that result from the special handling of the three last characters (for
    the file extension). For example, Windows XP shell matches *a like
    ".*a", "*a?" like ".*a.?", "*a??" like ".*a.{0,2}" and so on.

    Some modules provide incomplete alternatives as helper functions :

    Net::FTPServer has a method for that. Only jokers are translated, and
    escaping won't preserve them.

    File::Find::Match::Util has a "wildcard" function that compiles a
    matcher. It only handles "*".

    Text::Buffer has the "convertWildcardToRegex" class method that handles

    Vincent Pit, "<perl at>", <>.

    You can contact me by mail or on #perl @ FreeNode (vincent or

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-regexp-wildcards at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I
    will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress
    on your bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc Regexp::Wildcards

    Copyright 2007-2008 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.