File::chmod - Implements symbolic and ls chmod modes

    version 0.35

      use File::chmod;
      # It is recommended that you explicitly set $UMASK as the default may change
      # in the future, 0 is recommended to behave like system chmod, set to 1 if
      # you want it enabled, so that if later we decide to disable it by default
      # it won't change your code. $UMASK has been changed to be true by using
      # numeric value 2 internally
      $File::chmod::UMASK = 0;

      # chmod takes all three types
      # these all do the same thing

      # or

      use File::chmod qw( symchmod lschmod );

      chmod(0666,@files);           # this is the normal chmod
      symchmod("=rw",@files);       # takes symbolic modes only
      lschmod("-rw-rw-rw-",@files); # takes "ls" modes only

      # more functions, read on to understand

    File::chmod is a utility that allows you to bypass system calls or bit
    processing of a file's permissions. It overloads the chmod() function
    with its own that gets an octal mode, a symbolic mode (see below), or an
    "ls" mode (see below). If you wish not to overload chmod(), you can
    export symchmod() and lschmod(), which take, respectively, a symbolic
    mode and an "ls" mode.

    An added feature to version 0.30 is the $UMASK variable, explained in
    detail below; if "symchmod()" is called and this variable is true, then
    the function uses the (also new) $MASK variable (which defaults to
    "umask()") as a mask against the new mode. This mode is one by default,
    and changes the behavior from what you would expect if you are used to
    UNIX "chmod". This may change in the future.

    Symbolic modes are thoroughly described in your chmod(1) man page, but
    here are a few examples.

      chmod("+x","file1","file2");  # overloaded chmod(), that is...
      # turns on the execute bit for all users on those two files

      # removes 'other' permissions, and the write bit for 'group'

      # sets all bits to those in 'user'

    "ls" modes are the type produced on the left-hand side of an "ls -l" on
    a directory. Examples are:

      # the 0755 setting; user has read-write-execute, group and others
      # have read-execute priveleges

      # sets read-write-execute for user and group, none for others
      # also sets set-uid and set-gid bits

    The regular chmod() and lschmod() are absolute; that is, they are not
    appending to or subtracting from the current file mode. They set it,
    regardless of what it had been before. symchmod() is useful for allowing
    the modifying of a file's permissions without having to run a system
    call or determining the file's permissions, and then combining that with
    whatever bits are appropriate. It also operates separately on each file.

    Exported by default:

        Takes an octal, symbolic, or "ls" mode, and then chmods each file

        Returns a list of modified permissions, without chmodding files.
        Accepts any of the three kinds of modes.

          @newmodes = getchmod("+x","file1","file2");
          # @newmodes holds the octal permissions of the files'
          # modes, if they were to be sent through chmod("+x"...)

    Exported by request:

        Takes a symbolic permissions mode, and chmods each file.

        Takes an "ls" permissions mode, and chmods each file.

        Returns a list of modified permissions, without chmodding files.
        Accepts only symbolic permission modes.

        Returns a list of modified permissions, without chmodding files.
        Accepts only "ls" permission modes.

        Returns a list of the current mode of each file.

        If set to a true value, it will report warnings, similar to those
        produced by chmod() on your system. Otherwise, the functions will
        not report errors. Example: a file can not have file-locking and the
        set-gid bits on at the same time. If $File::chmod::DEBUG is true,
        the function will report an error. If not, you are not warned of the
        conflict. It is set to 1 as default.

        Contains the umask to apply to new file modes when using
        getsymchmod(). This defaults to the return value of umask() at
        compile time. Is only applied if $UMASK is true.

        This is a boolean which tells getsymchmod() whether or not to apply
        the umask found in $MASK. It defaults to true.

    This is only good on Unix-like boxes. I would like people to help me
    work on File::chmod for any OS that deserves it. If you would like to
    help, please email me (address below) with the OS and any information
    you might have on how chmod() should work on it; if you don't have any
    specific information, but would still like to help, hey, that's good
    too. I have the following information (from "perlport"):

        Only good for changing "owner" read-write access, "group", and
        "other" bits are meaningless. *NOTE: Win32::File and
        Win32::FileSecurity already do this. I do not currently see a need
        to port File::chmod.*

        Only limited meaning. Disabling/enabling write permission is mapped
        to locking/unlocking the file.

        Only good for changing "owner" and "other" read-write access.

      Stat::lsMode (by Mark-James Dominus, CPAN ID: MJD)
      chmod(1) manpage
      perldoc -f chmod
      perldoc -f stat

    Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

    When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
    to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.

    David Steinbrunner <>

    *   Jeff Pinyan <>

    *   Caleb Cushing <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Caleb Cushing and Jeff Pinyan.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.