NAME Test::Version - Check to see that version's in modules are sane VERSION version 1.0.0 SYNOPSIS use Test::More; use Test::Version 0.04; # test blib or lib by default version_all_ok(); done_testing; DESCRIPTION This module's goal is to be a one stop shop for checking to see that your versions across your dist are sane. Please ensure that you use version 0.04 or later only, as earlier versions are old code and may not work correctly. Current feature list: module has a version Tests to insure that all modules checked have a VERSION defined, Can replace Test::HasVersion module has a valid version Tests to insure that all versions are valid, according to the rules of version method "is_lax". To quote: *The lax criteria corresponds to what is currently allowed by the version parser. All of the following formats are acceptable for dotted-decimal formats strings:* v1.2 1.2345.6 v1.23_4 1.2345 1.2345_01 METHODS "version_ok( $filename, [ $name ] );" Test a single ".pm" file by passing a path to the function. Checks if the module has a version, and that it is valid with "is_lax". "version_all_ok( [ $directory, [ $name ]] );" Test all modules in a directory with "version_ok". By default it will check "blib" or "lib" if you haven't passed it a directory. BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Will not test Perl 5.12 "package" version declarations because Module::Extract::VERSION can't extract them yet. SEE ALSO The goal is to have the functionality of all of these. Test::HasVersion Test::ConsistentVersion Test::GreaterVersion ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special thanks to particle "particle at cpan dot org" for the original "Test::Version" and letting me maintain it further. Thanks to Mike Doherty "doherty at cs dot dal dot ca", and Michael G. Schwern "schwern at pobox dot com" for their patches. AUTHOR Caleb Cushing COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2011 by Caleb Cushing. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)