NAME Data::Collector - Collect information from multiple sources VERSION version 0.13 SYNOPSIS Data::Collector collects various information from multiple sources and makes it available in different formats, similar to Puppet's Facter. use Data::Collector; my $collector = Data::Collector->new( engine => 'OpenSSH', # default engine_args => { password => read_password('Pass: ') }, format => 'JSON', # default ); my %data = $collector->collect; ... Data::Collector uses *Info*s to determine what information is collected. It then uses *Serialize*rs to serialize that information. An important concept in Data::Collector is that it does not use any modules to fetch the information, only shell commands. This might seem like a pain at first but it allows it to be run on remote machines without any RPC server/client set up. It might be changed in the future, but (at least now) it seems unlikely. The main purpose of Data::Collector is to facilitate an information gatherning subsystem, much like Puppet's Facter, to be used in system monitoring and administration. However, Data::Collector is much more dynamic. It supports any number of engines and formats. Thus, it can be used for push or pull situations, can work with monitoring systems, integrate with testing suites and otherwise a pretty wide variety of situations. ATTRIBUTES engine(Str) The engine that will be used to collect the information. This is the underlying layer that will gather the information. The default is OpenSSH, you can use any other one you want and even create your own. By implementing your own, you can have fetching done via database queries, online searching, local system commands or even telnet, if that's what you're using. engine_args(HashRef) Any arguments that the engine might need. These are passed to the engine's *new* method. Other than making sure it's a hash reference, the value is not checked and is left for the engine's discression. Data::Collector::Engine::OpenSSH requires a *host*, and allows a *user* and *passwd*. format(Str) This is the format in which you want the information. This will most likely refer to the serializer you want, but it doesn't have to be. For example, you could implement your own *Serializer* which will actually be a module to push all the changes you want in a database you have. The default is JSON. format_args(HashRef) Much like *engine_args*, you can supply any additional arguments that will reach the serializer's *new* method. info_args(HashRef) Much like *engine_args* and *info_args*, you can supply any additional arguments that should go to specific Info module's *new* method. info_args => { IFaces => { ignore_ip => [''], ignore_iface => ['lo'], }, }, data(HashRef) While (and post) collecting, this attribute contains all the information [being] gathered. It is this data that is sent to the serializer in order to do whatever it wants with it. engine_object(Object) This attributes holds the engine object. This should probably be left for either testing or advanced usage. Please refrain from playing with it if you're unsure how it works. SUBROUTINES/METHODS collect The main function of Data::Collector. It runs all the information collecting modules. When it is done, it runs the *serialize* method in order to serialize the information fetched. serialize Loads the serializer (according to the *format* selected) and asks it to serialize the data it collected. This method can be run manually as well, but it is automatically run when you run *collect*. clear_registry Clears the information registry. The registry keeps all the keys of different information modules. The registry makes sure information modules don't step on each other. This is merely a helper method. It simply runs: Data::Collector::Info->clear_registry; This is actually only a mere helper method. BUILD Internal initialize subroutine that sets the default OS to CentOS. load_info Loads all the infos available. load_os Currently not being used. BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-data-collector at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Data::Collector You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker <> * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * CPAN Ratings <> * Search CPAN <> AUTHOR Sawyer X <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Sawyer X. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.