NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::WriteExcel - write Excel spreadsheets from Mojolicious SYNOPSIS # Mojolicious $self->plugin('write_excel'); # Mojolicious::Lite plugin 'write_excel'; # Render a spreadsheet get '/example.xls' => sub { shift->render( handler => 'xls', result => [[qw(foo bar baz)], [qw(lol wut bbq)], [qw(kick ass module)],], ); }; DESCRIPTION Mojolicious::Plugin::WriteExcel is a plugin for writing Excel spreadsheets. This plugin converts the "result" element in the stash to an Excel spreadsheet. If the stash also has a "heading" element, the renderer will also write headings in bold type for the columns in the spreadsheet. "heading" is an arrayref, while "result" is an array of arrayrefs. Optionally, a "settings" parameter can be provided to set additional attributes in the Excel spreadsheet. Currently 'column_width' is the only working attribute. "settings" is a hashref. Column widths could be set by passing the settings to "render": get '/colwidth.xls' => sub { shift->render( handler => 'xls', result => [['small'], ['medium'], ['large']], settings => {column_width => {'A:A' => 10, 'B:B' => 25, 'C:D' => 40}}, ); }; settings => {column_width => {'A:A' => 10, 'B:B' => 25, 'C:D' => 40}} METHODS Mojolicious::Plugin::WriteExcel inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones. "xls_renderer" $app->renderer->add_handler(xls => \&xls_renderer); Internal sub talking to Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Simple to render spreadsheets. "register" $plugin->register; Register renderer in Mojolicious application. AUTHOR Zak B. Elep <> ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Graham Barr and his MojoX::Renderer::YAML module, and Sebastian Riedel's core Mojolicious::Plugin::EpRenderer for showing how to write renderers for Mojolicious! Inspiration for this renderer came from this mailing list thread: <> LICENSE Copyright 2013 Zak B. Elep This library is free software; yu can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO Mojolicious, Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Simple, <>.