Moops - Moops Object-Oriented Programming Sugar

       use Moops;
       role NamedThing {
          has name => (is => "ro", isa => Str);
       class Person with NamedThing;
       class Company with NamedThing;
       class Employee extends Person {
          has job_title => (is => "rwp", isa => Str);
          has employer  => (is => "rwp", isa => InstanceOf["Company"]);
          method change_job ( Object $employer, Str $title ) {
          method promote ( Str $title ) {


    Until version 1.000, stuff might change, but not without good reason.

    Moops is sugar for declaring and using roles and classes in Perl.

    The syntax is inspired by MooseX::Declare, and Stevan Little's
    p5-mop-redux project (which is in turn partly inspired by Perl 6).

    Moops has fewer than half of the dependencies as MooseX::Declare, loads in
    about 25% of the time, and the classes built with it run significantly
    faster. Moops does not use Devel::Declare, instead using Perl's pluggable
    keyword API; *this requires Perl 5.14 or above*.

    Moops uses Moo to build classes and roles by default, but allows you to
    use Moose if you desire. (And Mouse experimentally.)

    The `class` keyword declares a class:

       class Foo {
          # ...

    A version number can be provided:

       class Foo 1.2 {
          # ...

    If no version is provided, your class' $VERSION variable is set to the
    empty string; this helps the package be seen by Class::Load.

    If your class extends an existing class through inheritance, or consumes
    one or more roles, these can also be provided when declaring the class.

       class Foo::Bar 1.2 extends Foo 1.1 with Magic::Monkeys {
          # ...

    If you use Moops within a package other than `main`, then package names
    used within the declaration are "qualified" by that outer package, unless
    they contain "::". So for example:

       package Quux;
       use Moops;
       class Foo { }       # declares Quux::Foo
       class Xyzzy::Foo    # declares Xyzzy::Foo
          extends Foo { }  # ... extending Quux::Foo
       class ::Baz { }     # declares Baz

    If you wish to use Moose or Mouse instead of Moo; include that in the

       class Foo using Moose {
          # ...

    It's also possible to create classes `using Tiny` (Class::Tiny), but
    there's probably little point in it, because Moops uses Moo internally, so
    the more capable Moo is already loaded and in memory.

    (The `using` option is exempt from the package qualification rules
    mentioned earlier.)

    Moops uses MooseX::MungeHas in your classes so that the `has` keyword
    supports some Moo-specific features, even when you're using Moose or
    Mouse. Specifically, it supports `is => 'rwp'`, `is => 'lazy'`, `builder
    => 1`, `clearer => 1`, `predicate => 1`, and `trigger => 1`. If you're
    using Moo, the MooX::late extension is enabled too, which allows
    Moose-isms in Moo too. With the combination of these features, there
    should be very little difference between Moo, Mouse and Moose `has`

    Moose classes are automatically accelerated using MooseX::XSAccessor if
    it's installed.

    Note that it is possible to declare a class with an empty body; use a
    trailing semicolon.

       class Employee extends Person with Employment;

    If using Moose or Mouse, classes are automatically made immutable.

    namespace::sweep is automatically used in all classes.

    Between the class declaration and its body, Attribute::Handlers-style
    attributes may be provided:

       class Person :mutable {
          # ...
       class Employee extends Person with Employment :mutable;

    The following attributes are defined for classes:

    *   `:assertions` - enables assertion checking (see below)

    *   `:dirty` - suppresses namespace::sweep

    *   `:mutable` - suppresses making Moose classes immutable

    *   `:ro` - make attributes declared with `has` default to 'ro'

    *   `:rw` - make attributes declared with `has` default to 'rw'

    *   `:rwp` - make attributes declared with `has` default to 'rwp'

    Roles can be declared similarly to classes, but using the `role` keyword.

       role Stringable
          using Moose     # we know you meant Moose::Role
          # ...

    Roles do not support the `extends` option.

    Roles can be declared to be `using` Moo, Moose, Mouse or Tiny. (Note that
    if you're mixing and matching role frameworks, there are limitations to
    which class builders can consume which roles. Mouse is generally the least
    compatible; Moo and Moose classes should be able to consume each others'
    roles; Moo can also consume Role::Tiny roles.)

    If roles use Moo, the MooX::late extension is enabled.

    namespace::sweep is automatically used in all roles.

    Roles take similar Attribute::Handlers-style attributes to classes, but
    don't support `:mutable`.

    The `namespace` keyword works as above, but declares a package without any
    class-specific or role-specific semantics.

       namespace Utils {
          # ...

    namespace::sweep is not automatically used in namespaces.

    Attribute::Handlers-style attributes are supported for namespaces, but
    most of the built-in attributes make any sense without class/role
    semantics. (`:assertions` does.) Traits written as Moops extensions may
    support namespaces.

  Functions and Methods
    Moops uses Function::Parameters to declare functions and methods within
    classes and roles, which is perhaps not as featureful as
    Method::Signatures, but it does the job.

       class Person {
          use Scalar::Util 'refaddr';
          has name => (is => 'rwp');    # Moo attribute
          method change_name ( Str $newname ) {
             $self->_set_name( $newname )
                unless $newname eq 'Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock';
          fun is_same_as ( Object $x, Object $y ) {
             refaddr($x) == refaddr($y)
       my $phoebe = Person->new(name => 'Phoebe');
       my $ursula = Person->new(name => 'Ursula');
       Person::is_same_as($phoebe, $ursula);   # false

    Note function signatures use type constraints from Types::Standard;
    MooseX::Types and MouseX::Types type constraints should also work,
    *provided you use their full names, including their package*.

    The `is_same_as` function above could have been written as a class method
    like this:

       class Person {
          # ...
          method is_same_as ( $class: Object $x, Object $y ) {
             refaddr($x) == refaddr($y)
       # ...
       Person->is_same_as($phoebe, $ursula);   # false

    The `method` keyword is not provided within packages declared using
    `namespace`; it is only available within classes and roles.

    Within Moose classes and roles, the MooseX::FunctionParametersInfo module
    is loaded, to allow access to method signatures via the meta object
    protocol. (This is currently broken for `around` method modifiers.)

  Method Modifiers
    Within classes and roles, `before`, `after` and `around` keywords are
    provided for declaring method modifiers. These use the same syntax as

    Unlike Moo/Mouse/Moose, for `around` modifiers, the coderef being wrapped
    is *not* passed as $_[0]. Instead, it's available in the global variable

  Type Constraints
    The Types::Standard type constraints are exported to each package declared
    using Moops. This allows the standard type constraints to be used as

    Type constraints can be used in attribute definitions (`isa`) and method
    signatures. Because Types::Standard is based on Type::Tiny, the same type
    constraints may be used whether you build your classes and roles with Moo,
    Moose our Mouse.

    Alternative libraries can be imported using the `types` option; a la:

       class Document types Types::XSD::Lite {
          has title => (is => 'rw', isa => NormalizedString);

    Note that if an alternative type constraint library is imported, then
    Types::Standard is *not* automatically loaded, and needs to be listed

       class Document types Types::Standard, Types::XSD::Lite {
          # ...

    Type libraries built with Type::Library, MooseX::Types and MouseX::Types
    should all work.

    Bear in mind that type constraints from, say, a MooseX::Types library
    won't be usable in, say, Moo attribute definitions. However, it's possible
    to wrap them with Type::Tiny, and make them usable:

       class Foo types MooseX::Types::Common::Numeric using Moo {
          use Types::TypeTiny qw( to_TypeTiny );
          has favourite_number => (
             is  => 'rwp',
             isa => to_TypeTiny(PositiveInt)

  Type Libraries
    You can use the `library` keyword to declare a new type library:

       library MyTypes
          extends Types::Standard
          declares EmptyString, NonEmptyString {
          declare EmptyString,
             as Str,
             where { length($_) == 0 };
          declare NonEmptyString,
             as Str,
             where { length($_) > 0 };
       class StringChecker types MyTypes {
          method check ( Str $foo ) {
             return "empty" if EmptyString->check($foo);
             return "non-empty" if NonEmptyString->check($foo);
             return "impossible?!";

    Libraries declared this way can extend existing type libraries written
    with Type::Library, MooseX::Types or MouseX::Types.

    Note that this also provides a solution to the previously mentioned
    problem of using MooseX::Types type libraries in Moo classes:

       library MyWrapper
          extends MooseX::Types::Common::Numeric;
       class Foo types MyWrapper using Moo {
          has favourite_number => (
             is  => 'rwp',
             isa => PositiveInt,

    The useful constants `true` and `false` are imported into all declared
    packages. (Within classes and roles, namespace::sweep will later remove
    them from the symbol table, so they don't form part of your package's
    API.) These constants can help make attribute declarations more readable.

       has name => (is => 'ro', isa => Str, required => true);

    Further constants can be declared using the `define` keyword (see

       namespace Maths {
          define PI = 3.2;

    Constants declared this way will *not* be swept away by namespace::sweep,
    and are considered part of your package's API.

    Declared packages can contain assertions (see PerlX::Assert). These are
    normally optimized away at compile time, but you can force them to be
    checked using the `:assertions` attribute.

       class Foo {
          assert(false);    # not checked; optimized away
       class Bar :assertions {
          assert(false);    # checked; fails; throws exception

  More Sugar
    Strictures, including fatal warnings, but excluding the `uninitialized`,
    `void`, `once` and `numeric` warning categories is imported into all
    declared packages.

    Perl 5.14 features, including the `state` and `say` keywords, and sane
    Unicode string handling are imported into all declared packages.

    Try::Tiny is imported into all declared packages.

    Scalar::Util's `blessed` and Carp's `confess` are imported into all
    declared packages.

  Outer Sugar
    The "outer" package, where the `use Moops` statement appears also gets a
    little sugar: strictures, the same warnings as "inner" packages, and Perl
    5.14 features are all switched on.

    true is loaded, so you don't need to do this at the end of your file:


  Custom Sugar
    It is possible to inject other functions into all inner packages using:

       use Moops imports => [
          'List::Util'      => [qw( first reduce )],
          'List::MoreUtils' => [qw( any all none )],

    This is by far the easiest way to extend Moops with project-specific

    Moops is written to hopefully be fairly extensible.

  Extending Moops via imports
    The easiest way to extend Moops is to inject additional imports into the
    inner packages using the technique outlined in "Custom Sugar" above. You
    can wrap all that up in a module:

       package MoopsX::Lists;
       use base 'Moops';
       use List::Util ();
       use List::MoreUtils ();
       sub import {
          my ($class, %opts) = @_;
          push @{ $opts{imports} ||= [] }, (
             'List::Util'      => [qw( first reduce )],
             'List::MoreUtils' => [qw( any all none )],

    Now people can do `use MoopsX::Lists` instead of `use Moops`.

  Extending Moops via keyword traits
    Roles in the `Moops::TraitFor::Keyword` namespace are automatically loaded
    and applied to keyword objects when a corresponding
    Attribute::Handlers-style attribute is seen.

    For examples extending Moops this way, see the
    Moops::TraitFor::Keyword::dirty, Moops::TraitFor::Keyword::mutable,
    Moops::TraitFor::Keyword::ro, Moops::TraitFor::Keyword::rw and
    Moops::TraitFor::Keyword::rwp traits.

  Extending Moops via parser traits
    For more complex needs, you can create a trait which will be applied to

    Parser traits might want to override:

    *   The `keywords` class method, which returns the list of keywords the
        parser can handle.

    *   The `class_for_keyword` object method, which returns the name of a
        subclass of Moops::Keyword which will be used for translating the
        result of parsing the keyword into a string using Perl's built-in

    Hopefully you'll be able to avoid overriding the `parse` method itself, as
    it has a slightly messy API.

    Your `class_for_keyword` subclass can either be a direct subclass of
    Moops::Keyword, or of Moops::Keyword::Class or Moops::Keyword::Role.

    The keyword subclass might want to override:

    *   The `known_relationships` class method, which returns a list of valid
        inter-package relationships such as `extends` and `using` for the
        current keyword.

    *   The `qualify_relationship` class method, which, when given the name of
        an inter-package relationship, indicates whether it should be
        subjected to package qualification rules (like `extends` and `with`
        are, but `using` is not).

    *   The `version_relationship` class method, which, when given the name of
        an inter-package relationship, indicates whether it should accept a
        version number.

    *   The `generate_package_setup` object method which returns a list of
        strings to inject into the package.

    *   The `arguments_for_function_parameters` object method which is used by
        the default `generate_package_setup` method to set up the arguments to
        be passed to Function::Parameters.

    *   The `check_prerequisites` method which performs certain pre-flight
        checks and may throw an exception.

    Hopefully you'll be able to avoid overriding the `generate_code` method.

    You can apply your trait using:

       use Moops traits => [

    Prior to version 0.023, the imports that Moops injected into your packages
    threw off Perl's line number accounting, affecting line numbers displayed
    in error messages and warnings. As of 0.023 this is mostly fixed, however
    there's still a bug in Keyword::Simple that can cause them to become
    off-by-one. Moops will attempt to work around this bug, but it's not
    always possible.

    Please report any other bugs to

    Similar: MooseX::Declare, <>.

    Main functionality exposed by this module: Moo/MooX::late,
    Function::Parameters, Try::Tiny, Types::Standard, namespace::sweep, true.

    Internals fueled by: Keyword::Simple, Module::Runtime, Import::Into,
    Devel::Pragma, Attribute::Handlers.


    Toby Inkster <>.

    This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Toby Inkster.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
    same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.