NAME Exporter::Constants - Declare constants and export it. SYNOPSIS package My::Constants; # declare constants and push to @EXPORT use parent qw/Exporter/; our @EXPORT; our @EXPORT_OK; use Exporter::Constants ( \@EXPORT => { 'TYPE_A' => 4649, 'TYPE_B' => 5963 }, \@EXPORT_OK => { 'TYPE_C' => 1919, 'TYPE_D' => 0721 } ); package main; use My::Constants; # constants are exported. print TYPE_A, "\n"; DESCRIPTION This module help to declare & export constants. MOTIVATION I want to declare My::Own::Constants package when writing applications. These class declares constants and export to other application classes. I can do this task by and But I want to do it at once. AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF@ GMAIL COM> LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.