This archive contains the distribution App::perlall

Build, test and do with all perls

perlall -v help

    perlall build perl5.15.4d-nt
    perlall build perl5.15.4
    perlall build perl5.14.2-nt
    perlall -v build -j4 5.15.4d-nt@khw-tk smoke-me/khw-tk
    perlall uninstall perl5.15.4d-nt@khw-tk

    perlall init perl5.15.4d-nt DBI CPAN::SQLite $(cat ~/Perl/B-C/t/top100)

    perlall do -MData::Dumper -e'my $a;$b={1=>\$a};$a=\$b;print Dumper($b)'
    perlall --older 5.12 make -Mblib t/0basic.t
    perlall=5.15.4  perlall maketest  	# test with version as ENV
    perlall="5.14*" perlall makeinstall
    perlall cpan My::Module
    perlall cpanm More::Modules

    perlall maketest "5.*.d*" # test with all debugging

    perlall initvm -v --all
    perlall testvm centos4 centos5 solaris10
    perlall testvm --all -c=list # see testvm in .perlall

Naming scheme: d DEBUGGING, -nt non-threaded, -m multi, @ git id

Configuration in source-able shell script ~/.perlall

You might want to link perlall to a valid command with "-command" appended
  perlall-make perlall-do perlall-cpan perlall-maketest...

See the presentation at

I always disliked perlbrew. This uses perl installations as intended
by standard Configure.

This software is copyright (c) 2011-12 by cPanel Inc.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.