SystemC::Manual - SystemPerl primary documentation


    The publicly licensed SystemPerl package provides several extensions to
    SystemC. It provides sp_preproc, extending the language for AUTOmatic
    connection of hierarchy like my Verilog-Mode, trace files and netlist
    linting. Its netlist and parsing utilities are general enough for
    writing your own tools. Two additional tools provide for speeding up GCC
    compiles and dependency correction. You can download SystemC from the
    link off of


    This package provides several major sub-packages. The SystemC::Parser
    understands how to read SystemC files, and extract tokens and such,
    similar to Verilog::Parser.

    SystemC::Netlist builds netlists out of SystemC files. This allows easy
    scripts to determine things such as the hierarchy of SC_MODULEs. The
    netlist database may also be extended to support other languages.

    sp_preproc provides extensions to the SystemC language, called the
    SystemPerl language. This allows most of the Tedium to be removed from
    SystemC coding, just as the author's /*AUTO*/ comments did for the
    Verilog language. See SystemC::SystemPerl after installation.

    sp_include shows a technique for speeding up SystemC compiles using GCC.
    sp_makecheck allows for cleaning up dependency files when dependencies
    have been removed or changed.

    Finally, the src directory contains useful C++ utilities for simulation,
    such as changing cout to send to both the screen and a file. You may
    point to this directory underneath the kit, or set SYSTEMPERL_INCLDUE to
    point to these sources.

  Parsing example

        package Trialparser;
        @ISA = qw(SystemC::Parser);

        sub module {
            my $self = shift;
            my $module = shift;
            print $self->filename.":".$self->lineno().": ";
            print "Contains the module declaration for $module\n";

        package main;
        my $sp = Trialparser->new();
        $sp->read ("test.sp");

  Netlist example

      use SystemC::Netlist;

        my $nl = new SystemC::Netlist ();
        foreach my $file ('testnetlist.sp') {
            $nl->read_file (filename=>$file,

        foreach my $mod ($nl->modules_sorted) {
            show_hier ($mod, "  ");

        sub show_hier {
            my $mod = shift;
            my $indent = shift;
            print $indent,"Module ",$mod->name,"\n";
            foreach my $cell ($mod->cells_sorted) {
                show_hier ($cell->submod, $indent."  ".$cell->name."  ");

  SystemPerl example

        SC_MODULE(mod) {
            SC_CTOR(mod) {
                SP_CELL (sub, submod);

    This expands into:

        SC_MODULE(mod) {
            // Beginning of SystemPerl automatic signals
            sc_signal<bool>             a;       // For submod
            // End of SystemPerl automatic signals

            SC_CTOR(mod) {
                SP_CELL (sub, submod);
                // Beginning of SystemPerl automatic pins
                SP_PIN (sub, a,       a);
                // End of SystemPerl automatic pins


    This version of SystemPerl has been built and tested on:

      * i386-linux

    It should run on any system with Perl, a C compiler, bison, and flex.

    SystemC must be installed to get the complete function. Currently
    1.2.1beta, 2.0.1, 2.1 and 2.2 are the versions supported for tracing,
    other versions should work without tracing or with minor editing.


    *   Download the latest package from
        or CPAN and decompress.

          gunzip SystemPerl_version.tar.gz ; tar xvf SystemPerl_version.tar}

    *   cd to the directory containing this README notice. Some files will
        permanently live in this directory, so make sure it's in a site wide

          cd SystemPerl*

    *   Make sure the "SYSTEMC" environment variable points to your SystemC
        installed directory; or that "SYSTEMC_INCLUDE" points to the include
        directory with systemc.h in it, and that "SYSTEMC_LIBDIR" points to
        the directory with libsystemc.a in it. If using bash, this would
        consist of the line

            export SYSTEMC=/path/to/systemc
            export SYSTEMC_INCLUDE=/path/to/systemc/include   # with systemc.h
            export SYSTEMC_LIBDIR=/path/to/systemc/lib    # with libsystemc.a

        in your "~/.bashrc" file.

        If different than the above, make sure the "SYSTEMC_KIT" environment
        variable points to your original SystemC source code kit.

        Type "perl Makefile.PL" to configure SystemPerl for your system.

        You may get a warning message about needing Verilog::Netlist, if so
        you need to install or upgrade the "verilog-perl" package from CPAN.

    *   Type "make" to compile SystemPerl.

        If you get a error message `` error: parse error before
        goto,'' there is a problem between Bison and GCC. The simplest fix
        is to edit to comment out ``__attribute__ ((unused))''.

    *   Type "make test" to check the compilation.

    *   You can see examples under the test_dir directory. The *.sp files
        are "inline" converted, while the *.h and *.cpp files are expanded
        from the .sp files.

    *   Type "make install" to install the programs and any data files and

    *   Add a "SYSTEMPERL" environment variable that points to the directory
        of this kit (the directory you typed ``make install'' inside, not
        your site-perl directory.) If using bash, this would consist of the

          export SYSTEMPERL=/path/to/systemperl

        in your "~/.bashrc" file.

    *   Optionally add a "SYSTEMPERL_INCLUDE" environment variable if for
        some reason you wish to relocate the include files (the files under
        the kit's src directory). For example distributions often want to
        relocate the SystemPerl includes into the standard system include
        directory. Note that these files are not installed with "make
        install" (as Perl doesn't provide a standard way to install
        includes), which is why SYSTEMPERL or SYSTEMPERL_INCLUDE must point
        to them.


    SystemPerl is part of the <> free SystemC
    software tool suite. The latest version is available from CPAN and from

    Copyright 2001-2013 by Wilson Snyder. This package is free software; you
    can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
    Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
    Version 2.0.

    This code is provided with no warranty of any kind, and is used entirely
    at your own risk.


    Wilson Snyder <>.


  Primary Documentation:

    SystemC::Manual (This document)

  Language Documentation:



    sp_includer, sp_makecheck, sp_preproc

  Major modules:

    SystemC::Netlist, SystemC::Parser


    SystemC::Coverage SystemC::Coverage::Item SystemC::Coverage::ItemKey

    SystemC::Netlist SystemC::Netlist::AutoCover SystemC::Netlist::AutoTrace
    SystemC::Netlist::Cell SystemC::Netlist::Class
    SystemC::Netlist::CoverGroup SystemC::Netlist::CoverPoint
    SystemC::Netlist::File SystemC::Netlist::Method SystemC::Netlist::Module
    SystemC::Netlist::Net SystemC::Netlist::Pin SystemC::Netlist::Port
