# NAME Data::Difflet - Ultra special pretty cute diff generator Mark II # SYNOPSIS use Data::Difflet; my $difflet = Data::Difflet->new(); print $difflet->compare( { a => 2, c => 5, }, { a => 3, b => 4, } ); # DESCRIPTION __THIS MODULE IS IN ITS BETA QUALITY. THE API MAY CHANGE IN THE FUTURE__ Data::Difflet is colorful diff generator for Perl5! See the following image! <img src="http://gyazo.64p.org/image/a82cb1898b53d51e45e49b21667aec85.png"> # METHODS - `my $difflet = Data::Difflet->new();` Create new instance of Data::Difflet object. - `$difflet->compare($a, $b);` Compare the two data and get a colorized strings. # AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF@ GMAIL COM> # SEE ALSO This module is inspired from node.js library named difflet. [git://github.com/substack/difflet.git](git://github.com/substack/difflet.git) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.