package SQL::Maker; use strict; use warnings; use 5.008001; our $VERSION = '0.01'; use Class::Accessor::Lite 0.05 ( ro => [qw/quote_char name_sep driver select_class/], ); use Carp (); use SQL::Maker::Select; use SQL::Maker::Select::Oracle; use SQL::Maker::Condition; use SQL::Maker::Util; use Module::Load (); sub load_plugin { my ($class, $role) = @_; $role = $role =~ s/^\+// ? $role : "SQL::Maker::Plugin::$role"; Module::Load::load($role); no strict 'refs'; for (@{"${role}::EXPORT"}) { *{"${class}::$_"} = *{"${role}::$_"}; } } sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_; unless ($args{driver}) { Carp::croak("'driver' or 'dbh' is required for creating new instance of $class"); } my $driver = $args{driver}; $args{quote_char} ||= do{ if ($driver eq 'Oracle' || $driver eq 'Pg') { q{"} } else { q{`} } }; $args{name_sep} ||= '.'; $args{select_class} = $driver eq 'Oracle' ? 'SQL::Maker::Select::Oracle' : 'SQL::Maker::Select'; bless {%args}, $class; } # $builder->insert($table, \%values); sub insert { my ($self, $table, $values, $opt) = @_; my $prefix = $opt->{prefix} || 'INSERT'; my $quoted_table = $self->_quote($table); my (@columns, @bind_columns, @quoted_columns); while (my ($col, $val) = each %$values) { push @quoted_columns, $self->_quote($col); if (ref($val) eq 'SCALAR') { # $builder->insert(foo => { created_on => \"NOW()" }); push @columns, $$val; } else { # normal values push @columns, '?'; push @bind_columns, $val; } } my $sql = "$prefix INTO $quoted_table\n"; $sql .= '(' . join(', ', @quoted_columns) .')' . "\n" . 'VALUES (' . join(', ', @columns) . ')' . "\n"; return ($sql, @bind_columns); } sub _quote { my ($self, $label) = @_; SQL::Maker::Util::quote_identifier($label, $self->quote_char(), $self->name_sep()); } sub delete { my ($self, $table, $where) = @_; my $w = $self->_make_where_clause($where); my $quoted_table = $self->_quote($table); my $sql = "DELETE FROM $quoted_table" . $w->[0]; return ($sql, @{$w->[1]}); } sub update { my ($self, $table, $args, $where) = @_; my (@columns, @bind_columns); # make "SET" clause. while (my ($col, $val) = each %$args) { my $quoted_col = $self->_quote($col); if (ref($val) eq 'SCALAR') { # $builder->update(foo => { created_on => \"NOW()" }); push @columns, "$quoted_col = " . $$val; } else { # normal values push @columns, "$quoted_col = ?"; push @bind_columns, $args->{$col}; } } my $w = $self->_make_where_clause($where); push @bind_columns, @{$w->[1]}; my $quoted_table = $self->_quote($table); my $sql = "UPDATE $quoted_table SET " . join(', ', @columns) . $w->[0]; return ($sql, @bind_columns); } sub _make_where_clause { my ($self, $where) = @_; my $w = SQL::Maker::Condition->new( quote_char => $self->quote_char, name_sep => $self->name_sep, ); while (my ($col, $val) = each %$where) { $w->add($col => $val); } my $sql = $w->as_sql(1); return [$sql ? " WHERE $sql" : '', [$w->bind]]; } # my($stmt, @bind) = $sql−>select($table, \@fields, \%where, \%opt); sub select { my $stmt = shift->select_query(@_); return ($stmt->as_sql,@{$stmt->bind}); } sub select_query { my ($self, $table, $fields, $where, $opt) = @_; my $stmt = $self->select_class->new( name_sep => $self->name_sep, quote_char => $self->quote_char, select => $fields, ); $stmt->add_from($table); $stmt->prefix($opt->{prefix}) if $opt->{prefix}; if ( $where ) { my @w = ref $where eq 'ARRAY' ? @$where : %$where; while (my ($col, $val) = splice @w, 0, 2) { $stmt->add_where($col => $val); } } if (my $o = $opt->{order_by}) { if (ref $o) { for my $order (@$o) { if (ref $order) { # Skinny-ish [{foo => 'DESC'}, {bar => 'ASC'}] $stmt->add_order_by(%$order); } else { # just ['foo DESC', 'bar ASC'] $stmt->add_order_by(\$order); } } } else { # just 'foo DESC, bar ASC' $stmt->add_order_by(\$o); } } $stmt->limit( $opt->{limit} ) if $opt->{limit}; $stmt->offset( $opt->{offset} ) if $opt->{offset}; if (my $terms = $opt->{having}) { while (my ($col, $val) = each %$terms) { $stmt->add_having($col => $val); } } $stmt->for_update(1) if $opt->{for_update}; return $stmt; } 1; __END__ =encoding utf8 =for test_synopsis my ($table, @fields, %where, %opt, %values, %set, $sql, @binds); =head1 NAME SQL::Maker - Yet another SQL builder =head1 SYNOPSIS use SQL::Maker; my $builder = SQL::Maker->new(); # SELECT ($sql, @binds) = $builder->select($table, \@fields, \%where, \%opt); # INSERT ($sql, @binds) = $builder->insert($table, \%values); # DELETE ($sql, @binds) = $builder->delete($table, \%values); # UPDATE ($sql, @binds) = $builder->update($table, \%set, \%where); =head1 DESCRIPTION SQL::Maker is yet another SQL builder class. It is based on L<DBIx::Skinny>'s SQL generator. =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item my $builder = SQL::Maker->new(%args); Create new instance of SQL::Maker. Attribuetes are following: =over 4 =item driver: Str Driver name is required. The driver type is needed to create SQL string. =item quote_char: Str This is the character that a table or column name will be quoted with. Default: auto detect from $driver. =item name_sep: Str This is the character that separates a table and column name. Default: '.' =back =item my ($sql, @binds) = $builder->select($table, \@fields, \%where, \%opt); This method returns SQL string and bind variables for SELECT statement. =over 4 =item $table Table name in scalar. =item \@fields This is a list for retrieving fields from database. =item \%where SQL::Maker creates where clause from this hashref via L<SQL::Maker::Condition>. =item \%opt This is a options for select statemet =over 4 =item $opt->{prefix} This is a prefix for SELECT statement. For example, you can provide the 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS '. It's useful for MySQL. Default Value: 'SELECT ' =item $opt->{limit} This option makes 'LIMIT $n' clause. =item $opt->{offset} This option makes 'OFFSET $n' clause. =item $opt->{having} This option makes HAVING clause =item $opt->{for_update} This option makes 'FOR UPDATE" clause. =back =back =item my ($sql, @binds) = $builder->insert($table, \%values); Generate INSERT query. =over 4 =item $table Table name in scalar. =item \%values This is a values for INSERT statement. =back =item my ($sql, @binds) = $builder->delete($table, \%where); Generate DELETE query. =over 4 =item $table Table name in scalar. =item \%where SQL::Maker creates where clause from this hashref via L<SQL::Maker::Condition>. =back =item my ($sql, @binds) = $builder->update($table, \%set, \%where); Generate UPDATE query. =over 4 =item $table Table name in scalar. =item \%set Setting values. =item \%where SQL::Maker creates where clause from this hashref via L<SQL::Maker::Condition>. =back =back =head1 PLUGINS SQL::Maker supports plugin system. Write the code like following. package My::SQL::Maker; use parent qw/SQL::Maker/; __PACKAGE__->load_plugin('InsertMulti'); =head1 FAQ =over 4 =item Why don't you use SQL::Abstract? I need more extensible one. =back =head1 AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno E<lt>tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF GMAIL COME<gt> =head1 SEE ALSO L<SQL::Abstract> Whole code was taken from L<DBIx::Skinny> by nekokak++. =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut