# NAME SQL::TwoWay - Run same SQL in valid SQL and DBI placeholder. # SYNOPSIS use SQL::TwoWay; my $name = 'STARTING OVER'; my ($sql, @binds) = two_way_sql( q{SELECT * FROM cd WHERE name=/* $name */"MASTERPIECE"}, { name => $name, }); # $sql: SELECT * FROM cd WHERE name=? # $binds[0] = 'STARTING OVER' # DESCRIPTION SQL::TwoWay is a way to support 2way SQL. I guess building complex SQL using O/R Mapper or SQL builder, like SQL::Abstract is worth. When you writing complex SQL, you should write SQL by your hand. And then, you got a issue: "I can't run my query on MySQL console!". Yes. A query like "SELECT \* FROM cd WHERE name=?" is not runnable on console because that contains placeholder. So, the solution is SQL::TwoWay. You can write a query like this. SELECT * FROM cd WHERE name=/* $name */"MASTERPIECE"; This query is 100% valid SQL. And you can make `<$sql`\> and `<@binds`\> from this query. `SQL::TwoWay::two_way_sql()` function convert this query. Here is a example code: my ($sql, @binds) = two_way_sql( q{SELECT * FROM cd WHERE name=/* $name */"MASTERPIECE"}, { name => 'STARTING OVER' } ); `$sql` is: SELECT * FROM cd WHERE name=?; And `@binds` is: ('STARTING OVER') So, you can use same SQL in MySQL console and Perl code. It means __2way SQL__. # SYNTAX - /\* $var \*/4 Replace variables. - /\* IF $cond \*/n=3/\* ELSE \*/n=5/\* END \*/ - /\* IF $cond \*/n=3/\* END \*/ # PSEUDO BNF if : /* IF $var */ else : /* ELSE */ end : /* END */ variable : /* $var */ sql : . root = ( stmt )+ stmt = sql | variable | if_stmt if_stmt = "IF" statement+ "ELSE" statement+ "END" | "IF" statement+ "END" # LICENSE Copyright (C) tokuhirom This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR tokuhirom <tokuhirom@gmail.com> # SEE ALSO [s2dao](http://s2dao.seasar.org/en/index.html) supports 2 way SQL in Java.