POE::Component::Proxy::SOCKS - A POE based SOCKS 4 proxy server.

       use strict;
       use Net::Netmask;
       use POE qw(Component::Proxy::SOCKS);
          package_states => [ 
            'main' => [ qw(_start _default socksd_registered) ],
       exit 0;
       sub _start {
         my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
         $heap->{socksd} = POE::Component::Proxy::SOCKS->spawn( alias => 'socksd', ident => 0 );
       sub socksd_registered {
         my $socksd = $_[ARG0];
         my $all = Net::Netmask->new2('any');
         my $loopback = Net::Netmask->new2('');
         my $local = Net::Netmask->new2('');
         $socksd->add_denial( $all );
         $socksd->add_exemption( $loopback );
         $socksd->add_exemption( $local );
       sub _default {
         my ($event, $args) = @_[ARG0 .. $#_];
         my @output = ( "$event: " );
         foreach my $arg ( @$args ) {
           if ( ref($arg) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
              push( @output, "[" . join(" ,", @$arg ) . "]" );
           } else {
              push ( @output, "'$arg'" );
         print STDOUT join ' ', @output, "\n";
         return 0;

    POE::Component::Proxy::SOCKS is a POE component that implements a SOCKS
    version 4/4a proxy server. It has IP address based access controls,
    provided by Net::Netmask, and can use IDENT to further confirm user

    POE sessions may register with the SOCKS component to receive events
    relating to connections etc.

    The poco supports both SOCKS CONNECT and SOCKS BIND commands.

        Starts a new SOCKS proxy session and returns an object. If spawned
        from within another POE session, the parent session will be
        automagically registered and receive a "socksd_registered" event.
        See below for details.

        Takes several optional parameters:

          'alias', a kernel alias to address the poco by;
          'address', set a particular IP address on a multi-homed box to bind to;
          'port', set a particular TCP port to listen on, default 1080;
          'ident', indicate whether ident lookups should be performed, default 0;
          'options', pass a hashref of POE session options;
          'time_out', adjust the time out period in seconds, default is 120 seconds;

    These methods are available on the returned POE::Component::Proxy::SOCKS

        Returns the POE session ID of the poco's session.

        Terminates the poco, dropping all connections and pending

        Sends an event through the poco's event handling system.

        Takes one mandatory argument. The mandatory argument is a
        Net::Netmask object that will be used to check connecting IP
        addresses against.

        Takes one mandatory argument, a Net::Netmask object to remove from
        the current denial list.

        Takes one argument, an IP address. Returns true or false depending
        on whether that IP is denied or not.

        Takes one mandatory argument, a Net::Netmask object that will be
        checked against connecting IP addresses for exemption from denials.

        Takes one mandatory argument, a Net::Netmask object to remove from
        the current exemption list.

        Takes one argument, an IP address. Returns true or false depending
        on whether that IP is exempt from denial or not.

        Takes N arguments: a list of event names that your session wants to
        listen for, minus the 'socksd_' prefix, ( this is similar to
        POE::Component::IRC ).

        Registering for 'all' will cause it to send all SOCKSD-related
        events to you; this is the easiest way to handle it.

        Takes N arguments: a list of event names which you don't want to
        receive. If you've previously done a 'register' for a particular
        event which you no longer care about, this event will tell the
        SOCKSD to stop sending them to you. (If you haven't, it just ignores
        you. No big deal).

        Terminates the poco, dropping all connections and pending

    The component generates a number of "socksd_" prefixed events that are
    dispatched to registered sessions.

        This event is sent to a registering session. ARG0 is
        POE::Component::Proxy::SOCKS object.

        Generated whenever a client is denied access. ARG0 is the client IP
        and ARG1 the client port.

        Generated when client successfully connects. ARG0 is a unique client
        ID, ARG1 is the peer address, ARG2 is the peer port, ARG3 is our
        socket address and ARG4 is our socket port.

        Generated when a SOCKS transaction is rejected. ARG0 is the unique
        client ID, ARG1 is the SOCKS result code and ARG2 is a reason for
        the rejection.

        Generated if the poco fails to get a listener. ARG0 is the
        operation, ARG1 is the errnum and ARG2 is the errstr.

        Generated whenever a client disconnects. ARG0 is the unique client

        Generated whenever the poco services a successful SOCKS 4a DNS
        lookup. ARG0 is the unique client ID. ARG1 is the hostname resolved
        and ARG2 is the IP address of that host.

        Generated when a CONNECT is successful. ARG0 is the unique client
        ID, ARG1 is the unqiue link ID, ARG2 is the destination IP and ARG3
        the destination port.

        Generated whenever a BIND is succesful. ARG0 is the unique client
        ID, ARG1 is the unique ID for the listener, ARG2 is our socket IP
        and ARG3 is our port.

        Generated whenever a socket to an application server is terminated.
        ARG0 is the unique client ID, ARG1 is the unqiue link ID, ARG2 is
        the error string.

    Chris "BinGOs" Williams <>

    Copyright � Chris Williams.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

