Dist::Milla - Distribution builder, Opinionated but Unobtrusive

      > milla new Dist-Name
      > cd Dist-Name

      > milla build
      > milla release

    Milla is a Dist::Zilla profile. It is a collection of Dist::Zilla plugin
    bundle, minting profile and a command line wrapper. It is designed
    around the "Convention over Configuration" philosophy (Opinionated), and
    by default doesn't rewrite module files nor requires you to change your
    workflow at all (Unobtrusive).

    Experienced CPAN authors who know how to write CPAN distributions can
    keep writing the code like before, but can remove lots of cruft, then
    replace Module::Install and ShipIt with Dist::Zilla and Milla profile
    for authoring, while you don't need to *add* anything other than a shiny
    new cpanfile (optional), and a simple "dist.ini" saying:


    and that's it.

    As stated above, Milla is opinionated. Milla has a bold assumption and
    convention like the followings, which are almost compatible to the
    sister project Minilla.

    Your module is Pure Perl, and files are stored in "lib"
    Your executable file is in "script" directory, if any
    Your module is maintained with Git and "git ls-files" matches with what
    you will release
    Your module has a static list of prerequisites that can be described in
    Your module has a Changes file

    If you have a module that doesn't work with these conventions, no
    worries. Because Milla is just a Dist::Zilla profile, you can just
    upgrade to Dist::Zilla and enable/disable plugins that match with what
    you need.

      # First time only
      > cpanm Dist::Milla
      > milla setup

      # Make a new distribution
      > milla new Dist-Name
      > cd Dist-Name

      # git is already initialized and files are added for you
      > git commit -m "initial commit"

      # Hack your code!
      > $EDITOR lib/Dist/ t/dist-name.t cpanfile

      # (Optional; First time only) Make your build: This will get some boilerplate for git
      > milla build
      > git add Build.PL META.json && git commit -m "git stuff"

      # Done? Test and release it!
      > $EDITOR Changes
      > milla build
      > milla release

    It's that easy.

    You already have distributions with Module::Install, Module::Build or
    ShipIt? Migrating is also trivial. See "MIGRATING" in
    Dist::Milla::Tutorial for more details.

WHY Dist::Zilla
    A lot of you might have heard of Dist::Zilla. If you already use it and
    love it, then you can stop reading this, or even using this module at

    If you heard of dzil and think it's overkill or doesn't work for yor
    module, this is why Milla exists.

    If you have tried dzil ages ago and thought it was slow, or couldn't
    find how to configure it to do what you want it to do, Milla will be
    just for you.

    First, let me tell you what's the reason to like Dist::Zilla.

    Dist::Zilla doesn't do the job of installing of your module. So you can
    focus on the authoring side of things with dzil, while letting MakeMaker
    or Module::Build(::Tiny) to do the installation side of things. I like
    this design. David Golden also has an excellent blog post
    explaining more details about what this means.

    That said, I myself have avoided switching to Dist::Zilla for a long
    time for some reason. I actually tried a couple of times, but ended up
    giving up to swithing it. You can google for "Hate Dist::Zilla" and will
    be able to find similarly frustrated developers.

    In my observation, typical problems/dislikes around Dist::Zilla can be
    categorized into one of the following thoughts.

    Dist::Zilla is slow
    Dist::Zilla has too many dependencies
    Dist::Zilla is obtrusive
    Dist::Zilla makes contributing hard
    Dist::Zilla isn't just worth it

    Let's see how we can address them by using Milla, one at a time.

    Dist::Zilla is slow
        Moose has been improved a lot for the past few years, and your
        development machine has got a much better CPU and SSD as well,
        hopefully. For me personally, with all of Milla plugins loaded,
        "milla nop" takes roughly 1.5 second, which I would say is
        acceptable since I only need to run it at a distribution creation
        time and release time. More on that later.

    Dist::Zilla has too many dependencies
        That is absolutely true, and Milla doesn't solve that problem.

        For a quickstart with Milla-like distribution building environment
        without installing "half of CPAN", see the sister project Minilla.

    Dist::Zilla is obtrusive
        That was my main motivation for not switching to Dist::Zilla. The
        truth is, Dist::Zilla doesn't *require* you to change workflow by
        default. But a lot of popular plugins and workflow suggests doing
        so, by using stuff like PodWeaver, which requires you to switch to
        Dist::Zilla for everything and then generate the boilerplate, or
        munge your modules from there.

        I don't care about the real boilerplate such as "MANIFEST",
        "META.yml" or "LICENSE" auto-generated, but didn't personally like
        the idea of generating documentation or munging code.

        I want to edit and maintain all the code and docs myself, and let
        the authoring tool figure out metadata *from* there, just like
        Module::Install's "all_from" did. Not the other way round.

        With Milla, you don't need to change your workflow, and it won't
        rewrite your precious ".pm" files at all. Like "all_from", most of
        the metadata is figured out from your module and git, automatically.

    Dist::Zilla makes contributing hard
        That is true for most Dist::Zilla based distributions.

        Milla copies the plain "META.json" and "Build.PL" into the git
        repository you automatically bump on every release. And there won't
        be any code munging process required for the release (except bumping
        $VERSION automatically).

        This means the git repository can be installed as a standard CPAN
        distribution even without Dist::Zilla installed, and collaborators
        can just hack your modules, run the tests with "prove -l t" and send
        a pull request just like a normal module without using dzil at all.

        It's just you who has to install Milla.

    Dist::Zilla isn't just worth it
        Dist::Zilla has a lot of plugins to search from, and it's so easy
        for you to spend a few days until you settle with the configuration
        you need. That is exactly why Milla exsits.

        If you have tried Dist::Zilla before, you might have shared the same
        experience with me, where the default Basic profile doesn't do much.
        And when you started wondering what other authors are doing, you
        would be overwhelmed by the amount of plugins and complexicy
        introduced by the clever workflow.

        Milla provides a sensible set of defaults that will work for 90% of
        people, and you don't need to waste time configuring your
        PluginBundle or searching for the plugin you need.

  WHY NOT Module::Install
    I loved Module::Install. I love how it automatically figures out what I
    want to do with a single "all_from" line. I liked the cleverness of its
    bundling itself into "inc". But I know many collaborators hated it
    because you have no idea what plugins have to be installed when you use
    some funky plugins, and your users are puzzled when they try to install
    from the git repository because it says "Can't locate

   So you basically wrote a simple PluginBundle and some wrapper, and give that a name?
    Yes. That's the whole point. Think Dist::Zila as a framework (because it
    is!) and Milla is a (thin) application built on top of that.

   That's so egoistic for you! Why not just Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::MIYAGAWA?
    Part of the reason might be my egoism. But think about it - if I
    switched to Dist::Zilla and recommend everyone to use, I have to say,
    "Hey, the way I use dzil is kind of cool. You can get that by using my
    @MIYAGAWA bundle".

    Wouldn't that be more egoistic than giving it a different name?

    I wrote my own PSGI implementation, and didn't give it a name
    PSGI::MIYAGAWA - it's called Plack. I wrote a kick-ass, lightweight CPAN
    installer, and didn't give it a name CPAN::Installer::MIYAGAWA - it's
    called cpanm.

    Because I *think* this can be recommended for many people, and want to
    make it better by incorporating contributions, I gave it a different
    name other than my own personal name bundle.

   Dist::Zilla feels overkill. If you don't munge code/docs, what's the point?
    I agree that it is still overkill. But as of this writing, there's no
    software other than Dist::Zilla that can correctly create a CPAN style
    distribution other than ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build, and I
    think they're wrong tool for *authoring* distributions.

    Check out Minilla if you think Dist::Zilla is overkill and want a
    lightweight replacement that does the same thing.

    As stated above, I've been loving the cleverness of Module::Install
    (MI), but felt its limitation. Milla is an attempt to put
    Module::Install's smartness into Dist::Zilla (without the "inc" mess).

    M::I + Zilla = Milla.

    Milla should also remind you of Milla Jovovich, but I couldn't make up
    any correlation about it, besides Resident Evil is such a great
    videogame and movie.

    Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>

    Ricardo SIGNES wrote Dist::Zilla.

    David Golden wrote Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::DAGOLDEN, which I cargo
    culted a lot of configuration from, for Milla bundle.

    Tokuhiro Matsuno has beaten me to writing Minilla, which resulted in me
    going the Dist::Zilla plugin route. Minilla is a sister project, and we
    try to make them compatible to each other and makes it as trivial as
    possible to switch from/to each other.

    Copyright 2013- Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    Dist::Zilla, Minilla