NAME IO::Any - open anything SYNOPSIS # NOTE commented out lines doesn't work (jet) use IO::Any; $fh = IO::Any->read('filename'); $fh = IO::Any->read('file://var/log/syslog'); #$fh = IO::Any->read(''); #$fh = IO::Any->read('-'); $fh = IO::Any->read(['folder', 'other-folder', 'filename']); $fh = IO::Any->read('folder'); $fh = IO::Any->read("some text\nwith more lines\n"); $fh = IO::Any->read(\"some text\nwith more lines\n"); $fh = IO::Any->read('{"123":[1,2,3]}'); $fh = IO::Any->read('<root><element>abc</element></root>'); $fh = IO::Any->read(*DATA); #$fh = IO::Any->read(IO::String->new("cba")); #$fh = IO::Any->read($object_with_toString_method); $fh = IO::Any->write('filename'); $fh = IO::Any->write('file://var/log/syslog'); #$fh = IO::Any->write('-'); $fh = IO::Any->write(['folder', 'filename']); #$fh = IO::Any->write('='); my $string; $fh = IO::Any->write(\$string); my $content = IO::Any->slurp(['folder', 'filename']); IO::Any->spew(['folder2', 'filename'], $content); perl -MIO::Any -le 'print IO::Any->slurp("/etc/passwd")' perl -MIO::Any -le 'IO::Any->spew("/tmp/timetick", time())' DESCRIPTION The aim is to provide read/write anything. The module tries to guess $what the "anything" is based on some rules. See "new" method Pod for examples and "new" and "_guess_what" code for the implementation. There are two methods "slurp" and "spew" to read/write whole $what. MOTIVATION The purpose is to be able to write portable one-liners (both command-line and inside program) to read/write/slurp/spew files/strings/$what-ever. As I'm sick of writing "File::Spec->catfile('folder', 'filename')" or "use Path::Class; dir(); file();". First time I've used IO::Any for JSON::Util where for the function to encode and decode files I can just say put as an argument anything that IO::Any accepts. It's then up to the users of that module to pass an array if it's a file, scalar ref if it is a string or relay on the module to guess $what. METHODS new($what, $how, $options) Open $what in $how mode. $what can be: 'filename' => [ 'file' => 'filename' ], 'folder/filename' => [ 'file' => 'folder/filename' ], 'file:///folder/filename' => [ 'file' => '/folder/filename' ], [ 'folder', 'filename' ] => [ 'file' => File::Spec->catfile('folder', 'filename') ], 'http://a/b/c' => [ 'http' => 'http://a/b/c' ], 'https://a/b/c' => [ 'http' => 'https://a/b/c' ], '{"123":[1,2,3]}' => [ 'string' => '{"123":[1,2,3]}' ], '[1,2,3]' => [ 'string' => '[1,2,3]' ], '<xml></xml>' => [ 'string' => '<xml></xml>' ], "a\nb\nc\n" => [ 'string' => "a\nb\nc\n" ], *DATA => [ 'file' => *{DATA}{IO} ], Returns filehandle. IO::String for 'string', IO::File for 'file'. 'http' not implemented jet :) Here are available %$options options: atomic true/false if the file operations should be done using L<IO::AtomicFile> or L<IO::File> LOCK_SH lock file for shared access LOCK_EX lock file for exclusive LOCK_NB lock file non blocking (will throw an excpetion if file is already locked, instead of blocking the process) _guess_what Returns ($type, $what). $type can be: file string http iostring iofile $what is normalized path that can be used for IO::*. read($what) Same as "IO::Any->new($what, '<');" or "IO::Any->new($what);". write($what) Same as "IO::Any->new($what, '>');" slurp($what) Returns content of $what. If AnyEvent is loaded then uses event loop to read the content. spew($what, $data, $opt) Writes $data to $what. If AnyEvent is loaded then uses event loop to write the content. SEE ALSO IO::All, File::Spec, Path::Class AUTHOR Jozef Kutej, "<jkutej at>" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-io-any at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc IO::Any You can also look for information at: * GitHub: issues <> * RT: CPAN's request tracker <> * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * CPAN Ratings <> * Search CPAN <> ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Jozef Kutej, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.