NAME Amon2 - lightweight web application framework SYNOPSIS package MyApp; use parent qw/Amon2/; use Amon2::Config::Simple; sub load_config { Amon2::Config::Simple->load(shift) } DESCRIPTION Amon2 is simple, readable, extensible, STABLE, FAST web application framework based on Plack. METHODS CLASS METHODS for "Amon2" class my $c = MyApp->context(); Get the context object. MyApp->set_context($c) Set your context object(INTERNAL USE ONLY). CLASS METHODS for inherited class "MyApp->config()" This method returns configuration information. It is generated by "MyApp->load_config()". "MyApp->mode_name()" This is a mode name for Amon2. Default implementation of this method is: sub mode_name { $ENV{PLACK_ENV} } You can override this method if you want to determine the mode by other method. "MyApp->new()" Create new context object. "MyApp->bootstrap()" my $c = MyApp->bootstrap(); Create new context object and set it to global context. When you are writing CLI script, setup the global context object by this method. "MyApp->base_dir()" This method returns application base directory. "MyApp->load_plugin($module_name[, \%config])" This method loads plugin for the application. *$module_name:* package name of the plugin. You can write it as two form like DBIx::Class: __PACKAGE__->load_plugin("Web::HTTPSession"); # => loads Amon2::Plugin::Web::HTTPSession If you want to load a plugin in your own name space, use '+' character before package name like following: __PACKAGE__->load_plugin("+MyApp::Plugin::Foo"); # => loads MyApp::Plugin::Foo "MyApp->load_plugins($module_name[, \%config ], ...)" Load multiple plugins at one time. If you want to load a plugin in your own name space, use '+' character before package name like following: __PACKAGE__->load_plugins("+MyApp::Plugin::Foo"); # => loads MyApp::Plugin::Foo "MyApp->load_config()" You can get a configuration hashref from "config/$ENV{PLACK_ENV}.pl". You can override this method for customizing configuration loading method. "MyApp->add_config()" DEPRECATED. "MyApp->debug_mode()" ((EXPERIMENTAL)) This method returns boolean value. It returns true when $ENV{AMON2_DEBUG} is true value, false otherwise. You can override this method if you need. PROJECT LOCAL MODE THIS MODE IS HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL Normally, Amon2's context is stored in global variable. This module makes the context to project local. It means, normally context class using Amon2 use $Amon2::CONTEXT in each project, but context class using "PROJECT LOCAL MODE" use $MyApp::CONTEXT. It means you can't use code depend "<Amon2-"context> and "<Amon2-"context>> under this mode.> NOTES ABOUT create_request Older Amon2::Web::Request has only 1 argument like following, it uses "Amon2->context" to get encoding: sub create_request { my ($class, $env) = @_; Amon2::Web::Request->new($env); } If you want to use "PROJECT LOCAL MODE", you need to pass class name of context class, as following: sub create_request { my ($class, $env) = @_; Amon2::Web::Request->new($env, $class); } METHODS This module inserts 3 methods to your context class. MyApp->context() Shorthand for $MyApp::CONTEXT MyApp->set_context($context) It's same as: $MyApp::CONTEXT = $context my $guard = MyApp->context_guard() Create new context guard class. It's same as: Amon2::ContextGuard->new(shift, \$MyApp::CONTEXT); DOCUMENTS More complicated documents are available on <> SUPPORTS #amon at is available. AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF@ GMAIL COM> LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.