# NAME B::Tap - Inject tapping node to optree # SYNOPSIS use B::Tap; sub foo { 63 } my $code = sub { foo() + 5900 }; my $cv = B::svref_2object($code); my ($entersub) = op_grep { $_->name eq 'entersub' } $cv->ROOT; tap($$entersub, ${$cv->ROOT}, \my @buf); $code->(); # DESCRIPTION B::Tap is tapping library for B tree. `tap` function injects custom ops for fetching result of the node. The implementation works, but it's not beautiful code. I'm newbie about the B world, Patches welcome. __WARNINGS: This module is in a alpha state. Any API will change without notice.__ # FUNCTIONS - tap($op, $root\_op, \\@buf) Tapping the result value of `$op`. You need pass the `$root_op` for rewriting tree structure. Tapped result value was stored to `\@buf`. `\@buf` must be arrayref. B::Tap push the current stack to `\@buf`. First element for each value is `GIMME_V`. Second element is the value of stacks. - G\_SCALAR - G\_ARRAY - G\_VOID These functions are not exportable by default. If you want to use these functions, specify the import arguments like: use B::Tap ':all'; Or use B::Tap qw(G_SCALAR G_ARRAY G_VOID); # FAQ - Why this module required 5.14+? Under 5.14, Perl5's custom op support is incomplete. B::Deparse can't deparse the code using custom ops. I seem this library without deparsing is useless. But if you want to use this with 5.8, it may works. # LICENSE Copyright (C) tokuhirom. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR tokuhirom <tokuhirom@gmail.com>