# NAME Tiffany - Generic interface for Perl5 template engines. # SYNOPSIS use Tiffany; my $tmpl = Tiffany->load('Text::Xslate', {syntax => 'TTerse'}); $tmpl->render(\'Hello, [% name %]', {name => 'John'}); # => "Hello, John" # DESCRIPTION Tiffany is a generic interface for Perl5 template engines. __THIS MODULE IS IN ITS BETA QUALITY. THE API IS STOLEN FROM TILT BUT MAY CHANGE IN THE FUTURE__. # FACTORY METHOD Tiffany.pm acts as a factory for Tiffany::* classes, which in turn are the actual adaptor classes for each template engine. - my $tiffany = Tiffany->load($klass, $args) Load Tiffany::* class if necessary, and create new instance of using the given arguments. my $xslate = Tiffany->load("Text::Xslate", +{syntax => 'TTerse'}); my $xslate = Tiffany->load("+My::Template::Engine", +{option => 'here'}); # The Tiffany Protocol The Tiffany protocol is based on duck typing. A template adaptor does not need to inherit from a particular class, but its API needs to adhere to the spec provided here. In the documentation that follows, `Tiffany::Thing` represents an adaptor class. - my $tiffanny = Tiffany::Thing->new([$args:HashRef|ArrayRef]); The module SHOULD have a __new__ method. This method creates a new instance of Tiffany module. $args should be passed to the constructor of the template engine. - my $result = $tmpl->render($stuff:Scalar|ScalarRef [, @args]); The module SHOULD have a __render__ method. This method should invoke the appropriate rendering method for the underlying template engine, using @args. If the template engine found any errors, this method MUST throw an exception. If the template engine throws any exceptions, Tiffany module SHOULD pass through the exception unaltered. __$stuff__ SHOULD expect a Scalar that represents the template filename. The module MAY allow a ScalarRef that holds the actual template code. This method MUST return plain string. Do not return a blessed reference. # HOW TO USE IT IN MY WEB APPLICATION FRAMEWORK? Example code is here: eg/sinatraish/ in distribution tar ball or <http://github.com/tokuhirom/p5-tiffany/tree/master/eg/sinatraish/>. # FAQ - Is Tiffany supports JSON? Tiffany should not support JSON. Tiffany protocol can support JSON serialize. But real web application needs more things like Content-Type. It is not supported area for Tiffany. # AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF GMAIL COM> # SEE ALSO [Any::Template](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Any::Template), <http://github.com/rtomayko/tilt> # THANKS TO kazuhooku gfx miyagawa lestrrat # LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.