Tatsumaki - Non-blocking web framework based on Plack and AnyEvent

      ### app.psgi
      use Tatsumaki::Error;
      use Tatsumaki::Application;
      use Tatsumaki::HTTPClient;
      use Tatsumaki::Server;

      package MainHandler;
      use parent qw(Tatsumaki::Handler);

      sub get {
          my $self = shift;
          $self->write("Hello World");

      package FeedHandler;
      use parent qw(Tatsumaki::Handler);

      use JSON;

      sub get {
          my($self, $query) = @_;
          my $client = Tatsumaki::HTTPClient->new;
          $client->get("$query", $self->async_cb(sub { $self->on_response(@_) }));

      sub on_response {
          my($self, $res) = @_;
          if ($res->is_error) {
          my $json = JSON::decode_json($res->content);
          $self->write("Fetched " . scalar(@{$json->{entries}}) . " entries from API");

      package StreamWriter;
      use parent qw(Tatsumaki::Handler);

      use AnyEvent;

      sub get {
          my $self = shift;

          my $try = 0;
          my $t; $t = AE::timer 0, 0.1, sub {
              $self->stream_write("Current UNIX time is " . time . "\n");
              if ($try++ >= 10) {
                  undef $t;

      package main;

      my $app = Tatsumaki::Application->new([
          '/stream' => 'StreamWriter',
          '/feed/(\w+)' => 'FeedHandler',
          '/' => 'MainHandler',
      return $app;

    And now run it with:

      plackup -s AnyEvent -a app.psgi

    This is considered as alpha quality software. Most of the stuff are
    undocumented since it's considered unstable and will likely to change.
    You should sometimes look at the source code or example apps in *eg*
    directory to see how this thing works.

    Feel free to hack on it and ask me if you have questions or suggestions
    at IRC: #plack on

    Tatsumaki is a toy port of Tornado for Perl using Plack (with
    non-blocking extensions) and AnyEvent.

    It allows you to write a web application that does a immediate response
    with template rendering, IO-bound delayed response (like fetching third
    party API or XML feeds), server push streaming and long-poll Comet in a
    clean unified API.

    When "asynchronous" is declared in your application, you need a PSGI
    server backend that supports "psgi.streaming" response style. If your
    application does server push with "stream_write", you need a server that
    supports "psgi.nonblocking" (and "psgi.streaming") as well.

    Currently Tatsumaki asynchronous application is supposed to run on
    Tatsumaki::Server, Plack::Server::AnyEvent, Plack::Server::Coro and

    If "asynchronous" is not used, your application is supposed to run in
    any PSGI standard environments, including blocking multiprocess
    environments like mod_perl2 and prefork.

    Tatsumaki is a Japanese for Tornado. Also, it might sound familiar from
    "Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku" of Ryu from Street Fighter II if you loved the
    Capcom videogame back in the day :)

    Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    AnyEvent Plack PSGI <>