--- name: IO-Socket-Multicast6 version: 0.02 author: - 'Based on L by Lincoln Stein, lstein@cshl.org.' - 'IO::Socket::Multicast6 by Nicholas J Humfrey, Enjh@cpan.orgE.' abstract: Send and receive IPv4 and IPv6 multicast messages license: perl requires: IO::Interface: 1.01 IO::Socket::INET6: 2.51 Socket: 0 Socket6: 0.19 Socket::Multicast6: 0.01 Test::More: 0 perl: 5.6.1 build_requires: Module::Build: 0.20 provides: IO::Socket::Multicast6: file: lib/IO/Socket/Multicast6.pm version: 0.02 generated_by: Module::Build version 0.26