Scriptname | README |
---|---| | - The world's greatest SSL tunnelling script. Its got it all! Supports reproxying to build a chain of proxies, thus allowing access even if your local proxy inserts characters that would normally mess up SSH. Supports BASIC auth. Can even work without SSH. usage: perl [options] desthost destport Tunnels a TCP/IP connection through an http proxy using SSL. WARNING: Only use this if you have the proxy ad... | | Link validator for XHTML web pages. Based on XML parsing methods, this script allows a high degree of control on a page-by-page and link-by-link basis. Able to crawl entire sites. Complete documentation at | | Verify your websites are running from multiple servers, inside and outside your firewall. Notify you when they go down. | | Verify your websites are running from multiple servers, inside and outside your firewall. Notify you when they go down. | | This script checks given files for dates matching a given format and compare this with the date of last modification of the file. Actually the script can do the following: |
HTMLTableSort_02 | | | THIS SOFTWARE DOES NOT COME WITH ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I wrote this script so that every time I opened a terminal window the 30 Boxes agenda and the a number of tasks would be displayed. Please email me at with feature requests and bugs. Enjoy! | | |
addressbookDB.cgi | THIS SOFTWARE DOES NOT COME WITH ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
bget | bget - basic HTTP get tool |
bget-1.1 | bget - basic HTTP get tool |
bget-1.2 | bget - basic HTTP get tool |
extract-form | HTML form rewriter for command line or CGI use. Rewritten forms have hidden inputs exposed for probing. | | |
htsplit-1.0.0 | Installation: copy this script to any directory in your path. Options: --heading n : heading level, 1 through 6, on which to split (just the number, not the 'h') --basename name : name prefix for the generated files (optional, default 'slide') --tidy : optionally run tidy -m -i on the output files --help : show the help text and exit --version : show the help text and exit |
OAMulator_1.0.cgi | A Web based compiler/assembler/emulator for instructional support. Complete documentation at C<>. | | This script fetches all images on a website and saves them into a designated directory. It uses a recursive depth first search. It can discard images which are smaller than a certain width or height. | | This program will establish an FTP connection and fill the specified files with the content of the 'filler' file. Transfer will be done in 'ascii' mode. |
ssh2ssl-1.5 | This script allows you to tunnel an SSH connection through an SSL (https) web proxy. |
ssh2ssl-2.1 | This script allows you to tunnel an SSH connection through an SSL (https) web proxy. | | This script is a command line script similar to the python script youtube-dl that downloads from youtube you'll need the following in order to run it: *the URI::Escape perl module *the Getopt::Long perl module *wget.which is normaly included in any linux distribution | | PerlMonks editor is designed to allow wysiwig editing of material to be posted on everything based web sites such as PerlMonks. Initial versions are intended to be used to prepare the material offline and then render to the clipboard for pasting into a node's edit field. It is expected that later versions will interact more directly with the web site to allow easier updating of existing nodes and quoting material from nodes that are... | | Inspired by Zope yahobuilder takes the idea of defining variables at different levels and substituting the closest one to offline html preparaion. Yahobuilder includes also a simple upload tool to a ftp server. Home of Yahobuilder is |
rfcindex-1.2 | Online RFC repositories typically contain a text file produced by the RFC Editor, F<rfc-index.txt>, which lists the RFCs currently in existence. rfcindex is a Perl script that reads the plain text index file and outputs an HTML index file. The RFC number of each citation becomes a hyperlink to the text of that RFC (if an online version of the RFC exists), and the cross references between citations (obsoletes, obsoleted by, updates, ... |
davmount-0.01 | | | bn is a Perl bot for searching book / media information and saving the output as either a comma seperated text file or in HTML format. |
check_ftp-1.02 | This script connects to the FTP server and compares the last modification time of all or part of the files in a remote directory. It sends a message to the standard output or by email when it finds new files since the last time it checked. | | This simple script can be used to generate RSS feed out of the album file, which you created for The script can be used for off-Line RSS generation - add it to your schedule tasks or crontab. See for additional details. | | This simple script can be used for organizing web photo album. The script can be used for online or Off-Line photo album generation. It does not provides web interface for picture uploading, thumbnail generation or web authoring of the album. Those tasks you will have to do using standard image processing tools and ftp. However it generates rather nice browsable photo album. |
httpdebug-1.06 | This is a tool to help you debug HTTP transactions. It uses both the HTTP server and HTTP client functionalities of the LWP bundle. Using this script, you can easily and quickly mimic and tweak transactions between servers and clients. You operate this program using a Web browser. |
httpdebug-2.0 | This is a tool to help you debug HTTP transactions. It uses both the HTTP server and HTTP client functionalities of the LWP bundle. Using this script, you can easily and quickly mimic and tweak transactions between servers and clients. You operate this program using a Web browser. |
timefetch-1.02 | This script uses LWP and Time::HiRes to fetch a web page, parse embedded IMG tags and other tags, download the images, and time the whole download operation. It is useful for measuring download times for an entire page with images, and for reporting errors in downloads (timeouts, connect failures, broken images, etc.). Complete documentation is available in the script iteself, in the embedded POD. | | This script is for creating applet JAR files. The typical situation is that you have some large libraries and know, that only parts are required. The idea is that you start working without JAR files, possibly extracting library classes. The required classes are then determined by looking into the WWW servers log files. | | - read encrypted JScript macros (Microsoft proprietary extension to Javascript) and write unencoded equivalent script. This script read a web page containing encoded macros from STDIN or from an input file (-i) extract and decodes any encoded macros and writes a new web page to STDOUT or to out file (-o) with macros decoded. Is my decoding accurate ? Anyone's guess. |
nph-tonnel-0.04.cgi | todo. Using to remote exec of CGIProxy (etc?) and browse CGI from this daemon+CGIproxy. Using only single-direction request (daemon->http/cgi). Mainly written to bypass hoster's firewall, denied outgoing connections, but may be good solution for HA multichannel browsing. Daemon command line: [daemon [<url> [{<n*>]}]|split [client|daemon]] - where n* - threads/connects limits (or 0) - example: ./nph-tonnel.cgi daemon |
nph-tonnel-0.08.cgi | todo. Using to remote exec of CGIProxy (etc?) and browse CGI from this daemon+CGIproxy. Using only single-direction requests (daemon->http/cgi). Mainly written to bypass hoster's firewall, denied outgoing connections, but may be good solution for HA multichannel browsing. Daemon command line: [daemon [<url> [{<n*>]}]|split [client|daemon]] - where n* - threads/connects limits (or 0) - example: ./nph-tonnel.cgi daemon http://www.yo... |
nph-tonnel.cgi | todo. Command line: [daemon [<n>]|split [client|daemon]] James Marshall's CGIProxy: Tested with CGIProxy 2.1beta15 | | karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.01 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs This software are with NO WARRANTY! I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main - in xinetd. There are my first server sockets programming (daemon/standalone), then standalone mode are totally experemental, but caching modes are much more experemental and unsecure and unsafe. Use it only for debugged, verifyed scripts set. Also eX... | | karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.04 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs This software are with NO WARRANTY! I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main - in xinetd. There are my first server sockets programming (daemon/standalone), then standalone mode are totally experemental, but caching modes are much more experemental and unsecure and unsafe. Use it only for debugged, verifyed scripts set. Also eX... | | karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.36 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs This software are with NO WARRANTY! I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main - in xinetd. There are my first server sockets programming (daemon/standalone), then standalone mode are totally experemental, but caching modes are much more experemental and unsecure and unsafe. Use it only for debugged, verifyed scripts set. Also eX... | | karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.37 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs This software are with NO WARRANTY! I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main - in xinetd. There are my first server sockets programming (daemon/standalone), then standalone mode are totally experemental, but caching modes are much more experemental and unsecure and unsafe. Use it only for debugged, verifyed scripts set. Also eX... | | karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.38 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs This software are with NO WARRANTY! I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main - in xinetd. There are my first server sockets programming (daemon/standalone), then standalone mode are totally experemental, but caching modes are much more experemental and unsecure and unsafe. Use it only for debugged, verifyed scripts set. Also eX... | | karakurt, pure Perl httpd v0.01.43 (c) Dzianis Kahanovich, GPLs This software are with NO WARRANTY! I wrote it becouse I needs for small, fast, all-in-one httpd/perl, main - in xinetd. There are my first server sockets programming (daemon/standalone), then standalone mode are totally experemental, but caching modes are much more experemental and unsecure and unsafe. Use it only for debugged, verifyed scripts set. Also eX... |
sms-1.00 | This is a Perl/Tk tool for sending SMS messages. The application uses the SMS gateway at to do the sending. This is achieved using the Net::SMS::Genie module. This application has been tested under Solaris, Linux and Windows98 (running the binary distribution of SiePerl available from CPAN). It should run un-edited on any UNIX platform with Perl and the required modules installed. It should likewise run on other ... |
sms-1.01 | This is a Perl/Tk tool for sending SMS messages. The application uses the SMS gateway at to do the sending. This is achieved using the Net::SMS::Genie module. This application has been tested under Solaris, Linux and Windows98 (running the binary distribution of SiePerl available from CPAN). It should run un-edited on any UNIX platform with Perl and the required modules installed. It should likewise run on other ... |
sms-1.02 | This is a Perl/Tk tool for sending SMS messages. The application uses the SMS gateway at to do the sending. This is achieved using the Net::SMS::Genie module. This application has been tested under Solaris, Linux and Windows98 (running the binary distribution of SiePerl available from CPAN). It should run un-edited on any UNIX platform with Perl and the required modules installed. It should likewise run on other ... |
p2h-0.2 | p2h v 0.02 USAGE: p2h >yourhtml.html Consider this version alpha. It will convert code without errors. It will not output errors other than those not caught, which is all :) It will not take command line arguments including --help. The next revision will take command line arguments to show usage. TODO Add generic color themes, similar to vim. The ones I plan on implementing are common ones like light dark borland ... | | getRFC - This script downloads RFC's from and put them in the current directory. Just pass on the RFC numbers to the script as arguments and it will zap them all in a directory leaching them one by one in batch mode. For bugs/corrections contact naunidh [at] gmail [dot] com | | Convert DAB Binary EPG (ETSI TS 102 371) to DAB XML EPG (ETSI TS 102 818) | | This script is a Web/HTTP based admin interface for the Inovonics 711 RDS/RBDS Generator. | | Given entries from your httpd access logs, this script will return a list of search terms that users used to find your site. The script doesn't attempt to parse the log entries at all, it just looks for something in the string that resembles a referer URL from a search engine. Obviously, your web server must be configured to log the referer URL in your access logs or this script wont' work. Here are a couple examples of how you... | | CGIscriptor merges plain ASCII HTML files transparantly and safely with CGI variables, PERL code, shell commands, and executable scripts (on-line and real-time). It combines the "ease of use" of HTML files with the versatillity of specialized scripts and PERL programs. It hides all the specifics and idiosyncrasies of correct output and CGI coding and naming. Scripts do not have to be aware of HTML, HTTP, or CGI conventions jus... | | Executes embeded Perl code in HTML pages with easy access to CGI variables. Also processes embeded shell scripts and scripts in any other language with an interactive interpreter (e.g., in-line Python, Tcl, Ruby, Awk, Lisp, Xlispstat, Prolog, M4, R, REBOL, Praat, sh, bash, csh, ksh). CGIscriptor hides all the specifics and idiosyncrasies of correct output and CGI coding and naming. CGIscriptor complies with the W3C HTML 4.0 ... | | Whenever an HTTP request is received, the specified CGI script is started inside a child process as if it was inside a real server (e.g., Apache). The evironment variables are set more or less as in Apache. Note that CGIservlet only uses a SINGLE script for ALL requests. No attemps for security are made, it is the script's responsibility to check access rights and the validity of the request. Can store the files of Web site in m... | | Whenever an HTTP request is received, the specified CGI script is started inside a child process as if it was inside a real server (e.g., Apache). The evironment variables are set more or less as in Apache. Note that CGIservlet only uses a SINGLE script for ALL requests. No attemps for security are made, it is the script's responsibility to check access rights and the validity of the request. Can store the files of Web site in m... | | Whenever an HTTP request is received, the specified CGI script is started inside a child process as if it was inside a real server (e.g., Apache). The evironment variables are set more or less as in Apache. Note that CGIservlet only uses a SINGLE script for ALL requests. No attemps for security are made, it is the script's responsibility to check access rights and the validity of the request. Can store the files of Web site in m... | | concatenates AIFC and RIFF WAVE files in a single output stream. All files MUST have identical audio formats and structures (channels, sample rates etc.). ALL sound chunks are combined. Compressed files might not be concattenated correctly. Mixing AIFC and WAVE files will result in useless files. Note that ALL non-essential chunks are dropped. is fairly inefficient. It will pass over all files twice. Once to... |
logAnalyzer-1.0.ptk | The following script is designed to read the Native Logfile Format(NLF) and generate outputs in different graphical forms. logAnalyzer-1.0.ptk written in perl/Tk can find its applications in Analyzing huge logfiles generated by servers, building information database to sort the internet usage depending on various requirements, gaining more control over the security of the proxy servers by restricting users as per their requiremen... |
isbn2lccn-03 | This perl script converts a single ISBN to Library of Congress Call Number using their Z39.50 interface. | | |
htmltable2csv-0.01 | Script to convert HTML tables to CSV | | This script is designed for helping you upload your website to an FTP server in the cases where you don't want to use an interactive FTP program and you don't want to upload the whole website. | | This script is designed for helping you upload your website to an FTP server in the cases where you don't want to use an interactive FTP program and you don't want to upload the whole website. |
vanprod-2.5 | This daemon is written to communicate with a Davis Vantage Pro Weather Staion. It will store the daily extreme values and their time of occurance in a database and update the weather underground and/or APRSWXNET/CWOP at a user configurable interval between once per hour and once per minute, or you can disable this feature altogether. It will generate 3 comma seperated text files and 5 RRDs as it runs. These files are intended ... |
linkcheck-1.05 | Find broken links in a web site. |
linkcheck-1.06 | Find broken links in a web site. |
webster-2.19_2007.0205 | A tiny WWW-browser that connects to the WWWebster dictionary at and provides an convenient access to the dictionary from the command line. | | Reports new material on a web page. | | comiccron - A cron like tool largely aimed at bringing up my web comics in the morning with a single command. | | Betsie is a simple CGI filter to improve the accessibility of arbitrary valid HTML pages. It effectively creates an on-the-fly text-only version of your site. For full details of how to use and install Betsie, please refer to the following URL: For full details of Betsie's current functionality, contact details, etc etc etc, visit the Betsie website: | | Betsie is a simple CGI filter to improve the accessibility of arbitrary valid HTML pages. It effectively creates an on-the-fly text-only version of your site. For full details of how to use and install Betsie, please refer to the following URL: For full details of Betsie's current functionality, contact details, etc etc etc, visit the Betsie website: | | This program loads the CPAN recent modules feed, either from your local CPAN mirror or as a filter in your favorite feed reader. Afterwards it scans it and tries to fetch the changelog for new module releases and parses them back into the RSS feed. All retrieved changelogs are stored in a cache to minimize the load put onto your local CPAN mirror. | | This script scans through the site's access log and ensures all IP addresses are 4 sets of 3 digits, strips out extraneous information such as local accesses and overloads (32k long SEARCH or CONNECT requests). Apache must be turned off for this script to run as it modifies the log files. It is suggested to run this script as a part of a root cron job script which would turn off apache, run, turn apache back on. I have ... |
getcount-3.0.0.cgi | This script scans through the site's counter file looking for the url you requested. If it doesn't find the url, it returns 0. |
getlog-3.6.1.cgi | This script scans through the site's access log and ensures all IP addresses are 4 sets of 3 digits, adds a link to the whois page, and then displays that information to the screen. It strips out overloads and local accesses. |
wordsearch-2.2.0.cgi | This script creates a word search puzzle with the minimum of a 10 by 10 matrix and a maximum of a 99 by 99 matrix. |
mw2.2.1 | A special-purpose simple script that looks up a word from Merriam-Webster site. This script only uses Socket and no other external modules or packages, and it demonstrates the use of POST method to submit a FORM. However, the specific use of this script is limited to talking to, and the fact that many parameters are hard-coded makes it dependent on the stability of that web site. Nonetheless, since everything is expli... |